
  1. 数显式激光扫平仪校正台

    The Correcting Platform for Laser Scanning Level Device with Digital Display

  2. 靶场光电经纬仪多台交会测量数据的一种处理方法

    A Data Processing Method on Trajectory Measurement by Intersection in Shooting Range

  3. 数控双侧向微球组合仪测试台架的研制及应用

    Development and Application of Testing Unit for the Computerized Dual Laterolog-MSFL Tool

  4. 水运仪象台工作原理的研究与复原试验工作

    Work of Principle Research and Reconstruction Experiment on the Astronomical Clock Tower

  5. 精仪工作台定量调整的原理及方法

    Principle and Method of Quantitative Adjustment of Operating Platform for Accurate Instrument

  6. 自动光学检测仪工作台运动控制系统的研究

    Research on the Motion Control of Stage for Automatic Optical Inspection on PCB

  7. 勃瑞格斯型钻孔测斜仪这台新型钻机能钻透十米厚的坚固岩石。

    This new model of drilling machine can bore through solid rock ten metres deep .

  8. 智能型四臂井径仪校验台

    Intelligent Calibrator for Four-Arm Caliper

  9. 基于白光干涉原理,研制成功高双折射保偏光纤分布式偏振耦合测试仪一台。

    An instrument measuring the distributed polarization coupling in high birefringence polarization-maintaining fiber ( PMF ) is developed based on white light interferometry .

  10. 利用激光测量仪标定一台三坐标加工中心的运动误差,并根据测得的误差来修正NC程序,达到了运动误差补偿的目的。

    The kinematics error of a 3-axis machining center is measured to compensate the kinematics error by modifying NC programs .

  11. 介绍了首次利用三台亚千X光能谱仪和一台针孔相机研究腔靶内爆区X光发射机制,实验结果表明内爆区X光发射主要是壁X光面发射。

    The mechanism of x - ray emission in hohlraum targets was experimentally studied with three soft x-ray energy spectrometers and a pinhole camera . The principal mechanism of x-ray emission was given .

  12. 利用OMA谱仪及三台单色谱仪研究了爆炸激波管中铝粉在氢氧爆轰激励下快速反应的发射谱及辐射特性。

    The emission spectra and radiation behaviour of aluminium powder driven by hydro oxygen detonation in explosion shock tube are studied by OMA spectrograph and three monochromaters .

  13. 用PC机通过RS-232C异步串行口与电子探针控制机通讯,实现对各道波谱仪和样品台的实时控制,以及对各道定标器的数据采集。

    The real time control of spectrometers and sample stages and the acquisition of data of scalers are realized by communication between PC and the controller of electron probe through RS-232 port .

  14. CZD-6型车载多道γ能潜测量系统,以核工业北京地质研究院研制的HDY-256型便携式多道γ能谱仪为操作台,与大体积闪烁探测器构成γ能谱测量系统。

    The car-borne multichannel gamma-ray spectrometric system Model CZD-6 is composed of a HDY-256 of portable multichannel gamma-ray spectrometer developed by the Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology and a large volume scintillation detector .

  15. 滚珠丝杠副动态测量仪中测量台系统的运动学设计

    Kinematic Design of Probe-carriage System for Ball Screw Assembly Measurement Machine

  16. 方型码盘自动检测仪精密工作台的设计

    The Design of Precision Stage of Automatic Tester for Square Encoding Disc

  17. 本文设计和研制管道漏磁外检测仪样机一台。

    This thesis will design and manufacture a MFL detector prototype outside pipeline .

  18. 采用双频激光干涉测长仪对工作台的定位精度进行了对比测量。

    The positioning precision of the stage was measured by a laser interferometer .

  19. 海洋重力仪正弦振动台的设计

    A design of sine vibration table

  20. 扁平件标签中邮政编码字符的精确切分方型码盘自动检测仪精密工作台的设计

    Precise character segmentation of postcode on flat mail label The Design of Precision Stage of Automatic Tester for Square Encoding Disc

  21. 中国第一台生物显微镜,第一台航空摄影仪,第一台电子显微镜等都诞生在这里。

    It is also the birthplace of the first Chinese bio-microscope , the first aero photographic apparatus and the first electron microscope .

  22. 课题中进行了总体设计,硬件设计,软件设计以及浊度仪的实验台的制作与调试,并进行了浊度测量实验。

    The general design , hardware design , software design , development and debugging of the instrument are completed and presented in detail .

  23. ZST-80A型织物折皱弹性仪由一台微机控制,实现对仪器测试数据的采集、显示、贮存、计算及打印输出等全部功能的自动化。

    The micro-computerized Fabric Crease Recovery Tester ZST-80A offers all auto-matic functions from data collecting , displaying , storing , calculating to printing-out .

  24. 对于只有微震仪的单台(或多台)测定较密集的较强地震序列震级是一种快速方便、实用的方法。

    This is a fast , convenient and practical method for single station with only microseismographes to determine the magnitudes of stronger seismic sequence .

  25. 其中,成功研制出我国第一台扫描电子显微镜、第一台商品化氦质谱检漏仪、第一台涡轮分子泵;

    For example , KYKY has successfully developed the first domestic scanning electron microscope , the first commercial helium mass spectrometer leak detector , and the first turbo molecular pump ;

  26. 设计二维定位系统的精度验证实验,利用激光干涉仪检验工作台的移动精度,通过图像处理、比较偏差的方式验证二维定位系统的综合定位精度和重复定位精度。

    Have designed the accuracy verification experiment . Used Laser interferometer to test the moving accuracy of the worktable , and verified the total position accuracy through image processing and deviation comparison .

  27. 方法以紫外线测试仪测定2台低压汞灯对11种外用药和2种化妆品照射后中短波紫外线的相对强度。

    Methods The UV luminometer was used to measure the relative intensity of UVB and UVC after irradiation of 2 low pressure mercury lamps on 11 kinds of external used medicines and 2 kinds of cosmetics .

  28. 闭合等角转位法广泛地应用于传感器旋转式圆度测量仪、工作台旋转式圆度测量仪或精密轴系的径向、轴向及其综合误差的测量。

    The closed equiangular indexing method in error separation techniques is a kind of precision measurement technique , and widely used to measure the radial , axial and composite errors for rotating pick-up type and turntable type roundness measuring instrument or precision axis of rotation .

  29. 介绍了系统频率响应的概念,详细分析了扫频法测量系统频响的原理,最后给出了音频测试仪测量调音台单机频响曲线的实例。

    In this paper , the concept of frequency response is introduced , and the principle of testing system frequency response with frequency sweeping method is analysed . Finally , a example of testing frequency response of Audio Console using audio test instrument is given .

  30. 钳式时差检漏系统是一系列安装的现场测量站,它除有时差流量计量仪和一台温度探测器外,还有无线或卫星通信设备。

    The time differential leak detection system ( clam on ) is refered to as the site detection station which is a series installation . It has not only the time differential flowmeter and a temperature detector but also radio / satellite as the telecommunication equipment .