
hénɡ xià yī tiáo xīn
  • 熟语summon the wild courage of despair
  1. 我已经横下一条心要名扬天下。

    I 'm absolutelyiron-bound determined to be famous .

  2. 要敢字当头,横下一条心。

    We must be daring and resolute .

  3. 另外,她知道,迈克尔这人不吃硬的,来硬的,他就会冷酷地横下一条心。

    Also she had learned that Michael was not a man to push , that he could become coldly disagreeable .

  4. 要敢字当头,横下一条心。我羞愧难当,不敢正视他。

    We must be daring and resolute . I was so ashamed that I could not look him in the face .

  5. 汤姆现在横下了一条心。

    Tom 's mind was made up now .