
  • 网络Zhu
  1. 什么原因使健力宝足球队在朱广沪离开后落到这般境地?

    What has brought the Jianlibao soccer team to such a pass since Zhu Guanghu left ?

  2. “这些球员(毛剑卿和王东)太累了”中国队主教练朱广沪说,他拒绝承认在下半场才用了消极的战术。

    ' Those players ( Mao and Wang Dong ) were tired , 'China coach Zhu Guanghu told said , denying he had employed negative tactics after the break .

  3. 中国媒体批评朱广沪过于依赖高空长传进攻,而泰国队则利用快速短传,迅速撕开了中国队的防线。

    Chinese newspapers criticised the coach 's reliance on an aerial long-ball attack , noting that the Thai players took advantage of the spread-open field to use short , sharp passes to penetrate china 's defence .