
zhū shā
  • cinnabar;vermilion;vermillion;zinnober;ciunabar;cinnabarite
朱砂 [zhū shā]
  • [ciunabar;cinnabarite;vermilion;vermillion] 即辰砂。一种红色硫化汞矿物HgS,六方晶系,通常产状为细粒的块状体,为提炼汞的唯一重要矿石。亦用作中药,别名丹砂。 甘,微寒,有毒。 入心经。安神定惊,解毒

朱砂[zhū shā]
  1. 在6号坑发现了一具“木匣”,长约1.5米、宽约0.4米,内外均涂抹朱砂。这个木匣给考古工作带来了新的谜团。

    In the No 6 pit , a 1.5-meter-long and 40-centimeter-wide wooden box covered in cinnabar has brought a new mystery .

  2. 朱砂对脑及神经系统药理作用的研究进展

    The Current Pharmacological Effects of Cinnabar on Brain and Nervous System

  3. 微波消解ICP-AES测定中药朱砂莲中多种元素

    Determination of 9 Elements in Chinese Traditional Medicine Zhu Sha Lian by ICP-AES with Microware Digestion

  4. 朱砂叶螨危害初期豇豆幼苗叶片PPO、PAL及POD的研究

    Studies on activity of PPO , PAL and POD isoenzymes of cowpea seedling leaves damaged by carmine spider mite

  5. 朱砂叶螨危害豇豆幼苗后,叶绿体内与活性氧代谢有关的酶SOD、ASP活性及同工酶均受到不同程度的影响。

    The activities of SOD , ASP and SOD isoenzymes have been studied in cowpea ( Vigna sinensis ) seedling leaves damaged by carmine spider mite ( Tetranychus cinnabarinus ) .

  6. 朱砂,化学成分为天然硫化汞(HgS)。

    Vermilion , its chemical composition is natural cinnabar ( HgS ), had many names in ancient China .

  7. 两D值(DRS和DSR)95%置信限没有重叠,表明两个D值(DSR和DRS)存在显著差异,也表明朱砂叶螨对甲氰菊酯的抗性遗传可能存在母体影响或核外效应;

    The 95 % confidence limit of this two dominant indices do not superpose showing DSR and DRS have significant difference and the maternal or external karyon effect may be existed in resistance inheritance ;

  8. 1987~1992年,在重庆北碚研究了桑红叶螨(朱砂叶螨)Tetranychuscinnabarinus(Bofsduval)自然种群数量变动和建立了生命表。

    The quantitative fluctuation in the natural population of mulberry mite ( Tetranychuscinnabarinus ) was investigated in Beibei in 1987-199 2 and their life tables were established .

  9. 中国人大概从八世纪时开始制作朱砂雕漆。

    The Chinese began carving cinnabar lacquer in approximately the8th century .

  10. 朱砂叶螨对久效磷抗性的遗传分析

    Genetic analyses of the resistance of carmine spider mite to monocrotophos

  11. 拿着这朱砂,将它抹在她的额上。

    Take this vermilion and put it on her forehead .

  12. 朱砂根种子萌发过程中酶活性的动态变化

    Dynamic Change of Enzymes Activity during Seed Germination of Ardisia crenata Seeds

  13. 朱砂致汞毒性皮炎3例报告

    Report of three cases of mercury-toxic dermatitis caused by cinnabar

  14. 湖南省朱砂矿物药材研究

    Studies on the Mineral Medicinal Material Cinnabar in Hunan Province

  15. 预防朱砂李裂果的研究

    A study of prevention of dehiscent fruit in cinnabar plum

  16. 然后将朱砂和油的混合物涂在前额。用砂纸把椅子打磨光再涂上清漆

    Apply that mixture on their foreheads . sand and varnish a chair

  17. 朱砂根细胞组织培养及其岩白菜素含量分析

    Cell and Tissue Culture and Analyses of Bergenin Contents in Ardisia Crenata

  18. 炼钢过程中的铜1、朱砂叶螨对不同寄主植物有选择性。

    COPPER IN STEELMAKING 1 . The selectivity of T.

  19. 含朱砂的中药成方制剂分析

    Analysis of prescription of Chinese patent medicine containing cinnabaris

  20. 几种药剂对朱砂叶螨的田间防效试验

    Control Effect of Several Insecticides on Carmine Spider Mite

  21. 朱砂印泥是非常流行的印泥。并且在印泥当中是最好的。

    Vermilion inkpad is very popular inkpad . It is the best inkpad .

  22. 对临床上报道的朱砂不良反应进行简要分析。

    This article made a brief analysis of clinical adverse effects of cinnabar .

  23. 结论:显微鉴别用于朱砂鉴别较好。

    Conclusion : the micro-identity is the better method to identify the cinnabar .

  24. 结果:显微鉴别可快速、准确检出朱砂伪品。

    Result : the micro-identity could quickly and precise detect the false cinnabar .

  25. 杀虫剂对朱砂叶螨扩散行为及繁殖力的影响

    The effects of insecticides on dispersal behavior and fecundity of carmine spider mite

  26. 万氏牛黄清心片中胆红素和朱砂的含量测定

    Determination of the Content of Bilirubin and HgS in Wanshi Niuhuang Qingxin tablets

  27. 朱砂叶螨危害对豇豆幼苗叶绿素和蛋白质含量的影响

    Effect of carmine spider mite on contents of chlorophyll and protein in cowpea seedlings

  28. 铅丹朱砂和土红变色研究的新进展

    New Developments in the Research of Colour changes in Red Lead Vermilion and Hematite

  29. 安宫牛黄丸中朱砂和雄黄的药理作用特点与安全性评价

    Pharmacological action and safety evaluation of cinnabar and realgar contained in Angong Niuhuang Pill

  30. 拟长毛钝绥螨与朱砂叶螨相互作用的实验研究:功能反应和捕食过程

    Experimental studies on acarine predator & prey interactions : functional responses and predatory process