
  1. 朱咏雷表示,上海世博会的各项筹办工作进展顺利,园区建设、运营准备等工作按既定的时间节点稳步推进。

    The Expo preparation was smooth and preparation works , such as constructions on Expo site and Expo operation preparation , were on schedule , Zhu said .

  2. 在上海世博局副局长朱咏雷的陪同下,张海涛一行参观了世博规划展示厅,并登上世博大厦顶楼俯瞰了建设中的世博园区。

    Accompanied by Zhu Yonglei , deputy director general of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination , the delegation toured the hall of exhibition at the Expo mansion and the Expo site .