
  • 网络Banner;Banner Ad;banner advertising
  1. Deutsch拿到的有限预算在通常情况下只够做一个网页横幅广告,但这家广告公司选择了一种非同寻常但引人注目的方式。

    With a limited budget that would have traditionally gone to pay for banner ads online , the advertisers took a more unusual , eye-catching , and disturbing route .

  2. 在对在线视频、横幅广告、富媒体和赞助广告进行比较后,eMarketer发现,显示广告的增长速度比搜索广告还要快。

    Counting online video , banner ads , rich media , and sponsorships among the mix , eMarketer sees display growing at a faster pace than search advertising .

  3. WEB中横幅广告的实现

    Banner Ad. Realization in WEB

  4. 您应该把这些横幅广告放置在您的主页和您的所有产品页面上,让您的客户知道可以使用“GiveasGift”。

    The banner should be placed on your homepage and any product pages you have to let your customers know " Give as Gift " is available .

  5. 美国维奇托大学(WichitaUniversity)的MichelleBayles所作的实验表明横幅广告的活动性可增强注意力。

    Michelle Bayles from Wichita University proves through experiments that animation of banners enhances attention .

  6. 这给予了我们那些负责网站横幅广告和App嵌入广告的的IT人员有了更明确的分工和酬金方法。京晶:厉害了,听上去成绩斐然。

    This led to better focus and clear rewards for our IT guys in charge of banners and in-app ads. Wow , that sounds like a good accomplishment .

  7. 和以前大型品牌的互联网广告不同,facebook上的广告不是抓人眼球的醒目广告或横幅广告,而是更加低调,与网站的整体设计融为一体。

    Unlike previous big brand advertising on the web , the ads on Facebook are not splashy displays and banners but more discreet , blending into the overall site design .

  8. 这些所谓的原生广告就像普通的Facebook消息一样,会直接显示在用户的消息流中,而不是像传统的横幅广告一样显示在网页边缘。

    These so-called native ads look just like normal Facebook posts and show up directly in users ' news streams , not along the side of the page like traditional banner ads.

  9. 11月11日的“光棍节”展现了AI的一部分威力,阿里巴巴在这个购物节之前的一个月利用AI制作了4亿个定制横幅广告。

    Some of that was in evidence on Singles Day , when Alibaba used AI to generate 400m customised banner advertisements in the month leading up to the shopping day .

  10. 美国互联网广告公司DoubleClick和交互式广告管理局(InteractiveAdvertisingBureau)经调查研究发现尺寸大的网页横幅广告能引起更多的注意;

    DoubleClick , an Internet advertising corporation in US , has found through research that greater size of a web banner obtains more attention from web users , and Interactive Advertising Bureau echoes its discovery .

  11. 无论您的要求如何,包括全新的网络企业形象、品牌、平面、广告、横幅广告或企业标志的设计和网络运用,BOC的解决方案适合您。

    Whether your requirements involve , new corporate identity , branding , stationary , advertisements , banners or corporate logo development , BOC has the solutions for you .

  12. 广告商声称愿意每月支付2万英镑在知名的YouTube频道上挂横幅广告;而在视频里每次提及他们的产品,可以赚到4000英镑(成本大致与在推特上大喊相同)。

    Advertisers are said to be willing to pay £ 20000 a month for banners on well-known vloggers " YouTube channels , while £ 4000 can change hands for each mention of their product in the video itself ( it costs roughly the same for a shout-out on Twitter ) .

  13. 网络横幅广告效果影响因素研究

    An Empirical Study on the Driving Factors of Online Banner Advertisement Effect

  14. 网页上的横幅广告行不通,因为根本没有人会去点击这类广告。

    Banner ads suck - no one clicks on them .

  15. 一套制作网页横幅广告及按钮软件。

    Software produced a website advertising banners and buttons .

  16. 什么横幅广告出现在搜索结果页?

    What banner ad appeared on the result page ?

  17. 您可以免费使用这些免费的横幅广告公司的模板。

    You can free use these free banner templates in your ads companies .

  18. 现在我们很难相信,但是当时人们真的很喜欢这条横幅广告。

    It 's hard to believe now , but people actually loved it .

  19. 包括你们每个横幅广告或在其它网站。

    Include each of your ads or banners on the other web sites .

  20. 但该公司表示不会把所谓的横幅广告放在消息里。

    But the company said it would not put so-called banner adverts in messages .

  21. 本月,那些筹款横幅广告又要回归了-这次关注的人却更多了。

    This month those pleading banners will return - but with many sets of eyes .

  22. 目前,集团正从网站的横幅广告和电影预告片中获得广告收入。

    Already , it earns advertising revenue from banner ads and trailers on its website .

  23. 《连线》的第一条网页横幅广告诞生于1994年。

    Wired'sfirst banner ad appeared in 1994 .

  24. 横幅广告很俗气。

    Banner ads are tacky .

  25. 一些重风格的导航条会看起来像横幅广告,所以小心使用那些元素。

    Some heavily styled navigation items may look like banners , so be careful with these elements .

  26. 许多网络行销人员喜欢采用唬弄式广告来提升其横幅广告点选率。

    Many online marketing practitioners love to increase the click through rate of banners ads with trick banners .

  27. 分类广告:为各类产品,服务,摘要登广告.登横幅广告或程序广告。

    Classified Ads : Advertise a product , service or resume on this site . Advertise a banner or program .

  28. 我可以证实,它是您的网站是隐藏横幅广告脚本。

    I was able to confirm that it is the scripting for your website that is hiding the Ad Banners .

  29. 提供广告和产品支持比如项目,促销资料,合作和赞助等的横幅广告。

    Provide advertising and product support such as banners for projects , promotional materials , corporate give-away , sponsorships and others .

  30. 网络营销不只是需要建立或促进一个网站,也不意味着放置横幅广告的另一网站。

    Internet marketing does not simply entail building or promoting a website , nor does it mean placing a banner ad on another website .