
  • 网络Oracle Arena
  1. 周日的比赛对勇士队来说意义重大,因为这是甲骨文球馆的最后一场常规赛。

    Sunday 's game took on added meaning for the Warriors given that it was the final regular-season game at Oracle Arena .

  2. 在与勇士的比赛中勒布朗-詹姆斯不幸拉伤了肌肉,但是湖人在甲骨文球馆127-101力克勇士,度过了一个愉快的圣诞节。

    LeBron James pulled a muscle and the Lakers pulled off a major Christmas Day upset , thumping the Warriors 127-101 at Oracle Arena .

  3. 周五晚上他们在甲骨文球馆以122-105的比分轻松击败了掘金队,借此提醒全联盟,他们仍是最好的球队。

    Golden State 's best is better than anyone else 's in the league , as they reminded the Denver Nuggets on Friday night in a 122-105 romp at Oracle Arena .

  4. 在全国电视上,在美国大部分地区的黄金档他们在甲骨文球馆被湖人的一群菜鸟127-101击败。

    On national TV , in prime time in front of most of America , they let loose with a stinker at Oracle Arena , and lost 127-101 to the Los Angeles Lakers .

  5. 虽然他承认他没有因知道季后赛将在下周末的甲骨文球馆开始而感觉到太多额外的情绪波动体现在竞技场上,但他开始感觉一些紧张的氛围随着比赛的到来越来越近。

    While he acknowledged that he didn 't feel many extra emotions driving to the arena knowing that the playoffs begin at Oracle next weekend , he started to feel some more as the game drew closer .

  6. 八月与雷霆队签下8500万美金续约合同的威斯布鲁克在上星期身着白色T恤、白色牛仔裤和鲜艳的橙色工装裤上身——“官方摄像师”几个字显眼地用纹章刻在上面——大步跨入甲骨文球馆。

    Westbrook , who signed an $ 85 million extensions with the Thunder in August , strode into Oracle Arena last week wearing a white tee , white jeans , and a blaring orange work bib with the words " Official Photographer " emblazoned across it .

  7. 他们还跟硅谷的“超级天使”投资人之一罗纳德·康韦一起投资,罗纳德也是甲骨文中心球馆(勇士位于奥克兰市的现主场)的前排常客。在杜兰特自己的慈善基金会运营方面,他们还咨询了史蒂夫-乔布斯的遗孀劳伦-鲍威尔-乔布斯。

    They are also investing with Ronald Conway , one of Silicon Valley 's " super angel " investors and a front-row fixture at Oracle Arena ( the Warriors " current home in Oakland ) , and consulting with Laurene Powell Jobs , Steve Jobs 's widow , on his own charity foundation .