
  • 网络Methylcyclopentane;methyl cyclopentane
  1. 甲基环戊烷在铂催化剂上氢解的动力学研究

    Kinetic studies of methyl cyclopentane hydrogenolysis over platinum catalysts

  2. 丙烯热反应生成甲基环戊烷的理论探讨

    Investigation of the Thermal Reaction of Propene Forming Methylcyclopentane

  3. 采用Gilcspie平衡釜测定正己烷-甲基环戊烷-邻苯二甲酸二丁酯系统的VLE数据;

    Equilibrium data of hexane methylcyclopentane dibutylphthalate were measured in Gillespie still .

  4. 甲基环戊烷在Pt/SiO2上开环的动力学模拟

    Kinetic modeling of METHYLCYCLOPENTANE ring opening on pt / sio 2

  5. 甲基环戊烷及正己烷的抽提分离

    Extraction separation of METHYLCYCLOPENTANE and hexane