
  • 网络Tianjin Medical University General Hospital
  1. 垂体瘤组织实验部分:收集天津医科大学总医院神经外科垂体瘤病例30例,术前已通过临床、内分泌检验、影像学确诊,并经手术及术后病理证实。

    Pituitary tumors tissue experiment : 30 patients of pituitary tumor came from Neurosurgery in Tianjin Medical University General Hospital , were confirmed diagnosised through clinical , endocrine tests , imaging diagnosis before surgery and post operative pathological examination .

  2. 研究的主要内容分为两个部分:一是对天津医科大学总医院的MBR污泥混合液进行研究。

    The main content is divided into two parts : The first part is to study the sludge characteristics in the MBR of Tianjin Hospital University .

  3. 方法用游程检验和泊松分布的U检验方法对天津医科大学总医院病理科1978~1997年甲状腺疾病总外科病理检出率(外检率)和六种甲状腺疾病的外检率进行统计学分析。

    Methods A statistic analysis was performed on materials of various thyroid diseases from files of Department of Pathology ( 1978 1997 ) in General Hospital , Tianjin Medical University , with Run test and Poisson U test .

  4. 检测标本取自2003年9月至2004年3月天津医科大学总医院普外科DVT患者30例和正常对照30例。

    The samples were collected from 30 inpatients with DVT in Department of General Surgery , Tianjin Medical University Hospital , from September 2003 to March 2004 , and 30 normal control adults .

  5. 周清华,天津医科大学总医院,题目:局部晚期非小细胞肺癌外科治疗进展。

    Zhou Qinghua , General Hospital , Tianjin Medical University . Topic : Progress in Surgical Treatment of Locally Advanced Non-small-cell Lung Cancer .

  6. 回顾天津医科大学总医院皮肤科门诊病理室病历资料,了解非良性皮肤肿瘤的发病情况。

    To investigate the clinical features and changes in the incidence of non-benign Skin Neoplasms in the Department of Dermatology General Hospital of Tianjin Medical University .

  7. 收集、统计和分析1980年1月至2007年9月天津医科大学总医院皮肤科经病理诊断的非良性皮肤肿瘤的临床资料。

    The patients diagnosed pathologically as non-benign Skin Neoplasms from Jan 1980 to Sep 2007 were retrospectively retrospected . Clinical data of patients were collected and analyzed by statistical methods .

  8. [方法]复习天津医科大学总医院神经外科颅脑外伤数据库,通过系统的流行病学和统计学方法,回顾分析150例慢性硬膜下血肿的临床特征,病因,手术效果,并发症,预后和复发相关因素。

    [ METHODS ] Reviewed the traumatic brain injury database of general hospital of Tianjin medical university and a retrospective analysis on the clinical characteristics , causes , surgical results , complication , and the factors related to prognosis and recurrence rate of 150 cases of CSDH was done .

  9. 天津市20年甲状腺疾病发病的变化&天津医科大学总医院临床病理资料分析

    Twenty year changes in the incidence of thyroid diseases in Tianjin area & analysis on the clinicopathologic materials in the General Hospital of Tianjin Medical University