
  • 网络Dandy;DAN.D.PAK;Joe Dante;Dan-D-Pak;Verdandi
  1. 丹蒂旗帜鲜明地谴责不正当恋情。

    Dante clearly condemns illicit love .

  2. 上周二晚,当丹蒂的妈妈比安卡发现孩子和狗从前面的花园消失了后,马上报警寻求帮助。

    Dante 's mother Bianca raised the alarm after the pair disappeared from her front garden on Tuesday evening .

  3. 丹蒂:我要思考一段时间后再做决定,现在我有点犹豫不决。

    Dante : I 'm really hesitant to make a decision until we 've pondered the options a little longer .

  4. 丹蒂:是的,是的,我知道那不是个即时决定,关键是在节省资金方面还有争议。

    Dante : Yes , yes , I know that it wasn 't a split-second decision , but whether it 'll really save us money is debatable .

  5. 丹蒂:好吧,那我就初步决定和GreatDeal公司合作吧,不过这个决定也不是一成不变的。

    Dante : Okay , I 'm willing to make a tentative decision to go with GreatDeal Corp. as our new vendor , as long as that decision isn 't set in stone .