
  • 网络Shanghai Urban Planning Review
  1. 上海城市规划与建设管理若干问题思考

    A Rethinking of Significant Issues about Shanghai City Planning and Development Administration

  2. 上海城市规划作用研究

    Study on the Function of Shanghai Urban Planning

  3. 近代上海城市规划史论

    On Modern Urban Planning History of Shanghai

  4. 权限下放的挑战&关于上海城市规划管理体制的讨论

    The Challenges of the Authority Decentralization ── Discuss on administrative mechanism of urban planning in Shanghai

  5. 城市遗产保护工作是上海城市规划与建设管理中的一项重要内容。

    Urban heritage conservation is a very important part of urban planning and urban development mangement in Shanghai .

  6. 一直以来,上海城市规划把上海大都市区的空间结构分为两个圈层,即中心城区和郊区。

    The city planning of Shanghai is al - ways dividing the spatial structure of the Metropolis of Shanghai into two circles , i.e. , the central city area and the suburbs .

  7. 同时,结合上海城市规划发展的要求,对上海港煤炭码头布局调整方案进行了研究,并提出了相应的对策方案。

    Meanwhile , in answer to the request of Shanghai Urban Planning Development , the thesis has spared no effort to analyze and study the adjustment program of the coal arrangement in Shanghai Port and put forward the corresponding solution .

  8. 全面实施上海城市总体规划加快建设资源节约型城市

    Comprehensively implement layout planning of Shanghai and accelerate resource-saving city construction

  9. 以科学发展观引领上海城市总体规划的落实

    To Fulfill the Comprehensive Plan of Shanghai with Scientific Development Ideology

  10. 上海城市总体规划指标体系研究

    Study on the Index System of Shanghai Urban Comprehensive Planning

  11. 对上海市城市规划新政的思考

    Reflection on the New Policy for City Planning in Shanghai

  12. 上海同济城市规划设计研究院第五设计所

    Studio 5 , Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning & Design Institute

  13. 上海城市森林规划实施研究

    Study on Implementation of Urban Forest Planning in Shanghai

  14. 2010世博会推动上海城市的规划和建设

    Expo 2010 Promotes Urban Planning and Construction of Shanghai

  15. 城市战略性规划的研究&对上海城市总体规划方法改革的思考

    Studies on Urban Strategic Planning ── consideration on reformation of Shanghai urban master planning

  16. 上海的城市规划与建筑物填充

    The Urban Planning and Building Stuff of Shanghai

  17. 上海的城市规划人员称,这条线路将会使机场成为这个地区里最易到达的地方之一。

    Shanghai planners claim it will make their airport one of the most accessible in the region .

  18. 对上海城市的规划、建设和发展充当了先行官的角色;对上海城市地质环境的监测和保护发挥了监护神的作用。

    Shanghai urban geological work acts for urban planning , construction and development as a vanguard and for supervision and production of urban geological environment as a guardian god .

  19. 在国内,与同济大学风景科学研究所以及上海同济城市规划设计研究院具有稳定的合作关系。

    In china , the company enjoys a constant and good cooperative relationship with both the Institute of landscape science research and the Institute of urban planning and design of Tongji university .

  20. 泰晤士小镇及其所在的松江开发区仅仅是上海城市改造规划中的一小部分,政府官员将该规划称为一城九镇。

    Thames Town , and the broader Songjiang development in which it 's located , are just small pieces in a much bigger urban planning makeover of Shanghai that officials have christened One City , Nine Towns .

  21. 实施上海城市森林规划需要在制度安排、产业支撑、政策支持、法律保障等方面展开系统研究。

    To implement urban forest planning in Shanghai successfully , it would be greatly necessary to make systematic study on the subjects which are relative to institution arrangement , industrial development , policy support and law guarantee .

  22. 本期规划沙龙围绕两个议题展开讨论:第一,上海在城市规划管理中怎么贯彻城市设计的思想和落实城市设计的环节?

    Editor 's note : This edition of planning salon is designed to discuss two topics : 1 . how to keep the spirit of city design consistent and implement design measures during the administration of Shanghai city planning ;

  23. 考察了上海《城市规划管理技术规定》和深圳《城市规划标准与准则》的演变特征,对比分析了两者的框架和内容,提出了我国城市制定《城市规划管理技术规定》的建议。

    This article reviews the changing characteristics of Shanghai urban planning management technical guidelines and Shenzhen urban planning standards and guidelines , analyzes their frames and contents , then puts out suggestions to constitute urban planning management technical guidelines for Chinese cities .

  24. 上海市城市总体规划实施的理论思考

    The academic thinking on implementation of Shanghai city overall plan

  25. 关于上海城市发展与规划的几点思考

    Considerations on Shanghai Urban Development and Planning

  26. 作者很幸运地于2003年参与了上海城市森林的规划设计工作。

    I participated in the planning and design works of Shanghai urban forests in 2003 luckily .

  27. 以期为上海城市土地利用规划,城郊土壤环境综合整治提供科学依据。

    Expect to provide scientific grounds for the Shanghai Urban Land Use Planning and the comprehensive improvement of suburban soil environment .

  28. 根据未来15年上海的城市总体规划,结合环境保护的目标和主要任务,设计了包括监测项目、监测手段和监测网点在内的大气环境监测系统,以适应经济发展和环境管理的需要。

    Based on analyzing the future 15 years of Shanghai master plan , target of environmental protection and the major task , to design the air pollution monitoring network including items of monitoring , measures of monitoring and monitoring system for meeting the necessity of economic development and environmental administration .

  29. 上海市城市轨道交通规划若干问题探讨

    The Study about Some Major Problems of Shanghai Urban Railway Network Plan

  30. 从上海高层如林说到城市规划编制与实施机制

    System of Compilation and Implemetation of Urban Planning Induced by the Quasi-forest of High-rises in Shanghai