
  • 网络Dong Township;Dong county
  1. 啊,旅游渡假,侗乡好地方。

    Ah , tourist vacation , a good place for The Dong .

  2. 花炮节在桂北侗乡是一个渗透到村落社会各个方面和各个层次的节日。

    Firecracker-snatching Festival permeates the different aspects and levels of the village society .

  3. 如今侗乡的寨门进出自如,每当节日庆典,寨门是迎宾送客之地。

    At the time when festivals and ceremonies the village gates serve as places for welcoming or seeing off guests .

  4. 桂北侗乡有仪式活动的传统。

    There is a tradition of ritual activities in the Dong minority area in the north of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region .

  5. 中秋之夜,湖南新晃县的侗乡人流行一种“偷月亮菜”的有趣习俗。

    At the night of the Mid-Autumn Day in Xinhuang County , Hunan , an interesting custom of " stealing moon vegetables " is popular in Dong villages .

  6. 但是从田野调查中的所得可知:在侗乡内部,以同性集体作伴和异性集体交往为重要基础的大歌歌唱传统在慢慢发生衍变。

    But we can see from the field survey of income : in Dong internal to the homosexual collective companion and heterosexual collective interaction is an important foundation for the song singing traditional slowly occurred Evolution .

  7. 侗族风雨桥是侗乡特有的文化景观,是侗族建筑文化艺术的精粹,桥带有文化、哲学以及建筑艺术等内涵,同时富含生态审美意蕴。

    The Wind and Rain Bridge is the symbolized cultural landscape and architecture of the Dong minority people . It has a deep connotation of culture , philosophy and architecture art , it also contains plenty of ecological aesthetic implications .

  8. 从族际友好交往的先天优势以及抢花炮与侗乡本土文化天然的亲和力论述了抢花炮落户侗乡的历史与文化原因;

    The article elaborates on the original advantages of national friendly exchanges and the natural affinity of the local culture of Dong minority area , which are the historical and cultural causes of firecracker-snatching 's settlement in Dong minority area .

  9. 论湖南通道侗乡民族文化资源的特色与旅游开发特色的侗乡民族文化是湖南省通道侗族自治县旅游发展的依托,良好的生态环境是民族旅游发展的基础。

    Relationship between Dong Minority Culture and Ethnic Minority Ecotourism in Tongdao County Hunan Province The unique tourism resources generated by Dong Minority Culture are the reliances for the development of Tongdao 's tourism and the sound environment is the basis of it .