
  • 网络Feng-Shui theory
  1. 风水说中的景观生态思想探析与应用

    Dissection of Landscape Ecology Thought in Theory of Geomancy and Application

  2. 本文从地理学角度对中国传统的风水说作了透视。

    From the aspect of geography this thesis gives a perspective of the traditional Chinese Feng shui .

  3. 风水先生说房子和花园的方位不佳,凶灵和阴气会“附身”在花园的植物上。

    His advice was that the location of the house and garden were such that bad spirits and negative influences were " roosting " in the plants in the garden .

  4. 风水大师们说,正好构成了地缘政治的紧张局势和金融市场的动荡起伏。

    It 's a recipe for geopolitical tensions and drastic market movements , feng shui experts say .

  5. 让我们为所有无知涉足风水的信徒祷告,求神让教会能教导更扎实的圣经真理来抵挡风水之说的影响。

    Let us pray for all believers who foolishly dabble with such practices and for strong Biblical teaching in the churches against it .