
huǒ lì yǎn hù
  • fire cover
  1. 一种武装飞机,比如直升机,用来支援地面部队,提供火力掩护。

    An armed aircraft , such as a helicopter , that is used to support troops and provide fire cover .

  2. 突击队在炮兵的火力掩护下向前推进。

    The commandos pushed forward under the covering fire of their artillery .

  3. 他向那座房子冲去时,她给他火力掩护。

    She gave him coverng fire as he ran towards the house .

  4. 他的队伍为我提供火力掩护

    His team laid down cover fire for me .

  5. 我需要写火力掩护,你过来帮忙。

    I need some cover fire , and then you get up and help .

  6. 地空导弹火力掩护空域可用系统火力掩护高度和掩护面积表征,并主要从掩护面积对其量化。

    Anti-air missile systems use fire-sheltering height and area to take the place of fire-sheltering space , and mainly quantify fire-sheltering area .

  7. 最大限度的使用火力掩护部队插入而不是浪费大量子弹去扫射地面。

    They make maximum use of grazing fire , with the object of keeping troops inert , rather than wasting an excess of bullets by shooting into the dirt embankments .

  8. 积极分子说,包围Deiral-Zour的坦克在黎明召唤祈祷的铃声中开始开火,随后在重火力的掩护下进入几个地区。

    Activists said tanks ringing Deir al-Zour opened up with shellfire during the early morning call to prayer , then moved into several districts under the cover of heavy gunfire .

  9. 在分析了影响防空火力单元距被掩护对象的距离和火力单元间配置距离的因素的基础上,给出了计算防空导弹火力单元与被掩护对象的距离的计算模型。

    Based on the analysis of the factors affecting fire unit 's deployment distance , the models for calculating the distance of the air-defense fire unit to the major protected object .