
ɡuó jì tǐ cāo lián hé huì
  • International Gymnastics Federation ;International Federation of Gymnastics ;Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique
  1. 已试制的FRP杠面满足了国际体操联合会对高低杠杠面规定的刚度、疲劳和强度要求。

    The FRP bars trial-produced have met the rigidity , fatigue and strength requirements stipulated by IGF for the bars of asymmetric bars .

  2. NBA联赛与CBA联赛运行机制比较体操比赛的评分规则是由国际体操联合会制订的。

    The Comparative Research on the Operation Mechanism between NBA and CBA League Match Gymnastics scoring rules are made by FIG.

  3. 体操比赛的评分规则是由国际体操联合会制订的。

    Gymnastics scoring rules are made by FIG.

  4. 国际体操联合会于1962年正式承认艺术体操为体育项目。

    In 1962 , the International Gymnastics Federation officially recognized rhythmic gymnastics as a sport .

  5. 所有器材都一一试用了,全都达到国际体操联合会的比赛标准。

    We have tried the apparatus one by one and they all meet the FIG standards .

  6. 2000年国际体操联合会健美操委员会首次将六人操纳入竞技健美操的正式比赛项目。

    FIG issued new regulations from 2001 to 2004 in 2000 , and brought group six into formal competition item of Sports aerobics .

  7. 研究目的国际体操联合会的竞技健美操规则中明确指出体能这一项评判这种能力的因素。

    Purpose research : The international gymnastics federation of competitive aerobics rules in the " physical " pointed out that a judge this ability .

  8. 事实上,这么多的新动作被创造出来,国际体操联合会不得不继续提高难度等级。

    In fact , so many new moves have been created that the International Gymnastics Federation has to continue to raise the difficulty classification code .

  9. 在国际体操联合会写给汉姆的信中说到:“韩国的金大恩是全能项目的真正胜利者。”

    In a letter addressed to Hamm , FIG called South Korea 's Yang Tae Young " the true winner of the all-around competition . "

  10. 国际体操联合会裁定,今年参加北京奥运的中国女体操选手符合参赛年龄。

    The International Federation of Gymnastics ( FIG ) has ruled that the Chinese women gymnasts at this year 's Beijing Olympics were old enough to compete .

  11. 从2001年起,国内外技巧比赛启用国际体操联合会颁布的技巧新评分规则和难度表。

    The new Code of Points and table of difficulty for sports acrobatics issued by the IFSA in 2001 are beginning to be applied in national and international competitions .

  12. 通过对1997年和2001年健美操竞赛规则(国际体操联合会)的分析比较,阐述了竞技健美操的主要发展趋势。

    This research , through the analysis of the competition rules and regulations ( FIG ) from 1997 to 2001 , discusses the main trends of the development of sports aerobics .

  13. 国际体操联合会的声明说,这项裁定是根据从中国体操协会收到的官方文件做出的,包括护照、身份证和户口。

    In a statement , the FIG said its decision was based on official documents it received from the Chinese Gymnastics Association , including passports , identity cards and Household Registers .

  14. 本文通过对1997、2001年版的国际体操联合会竞技健美操竞赛规则的对比分析,阐述了竞技健美操向艺术性方向发展趋势&艺术性日益显示其重要性。

    This article expatiates on the artistic trend of competitive aerobics by making a comparison analysis of International Aerobics Association competitive aerobics competition rules between 1997 and 2001 editions-the artistry shows an increasing importance .

  15. 悉尼奥运会之后,国际体操联合会大幅度修改了比赛规则和规程,致使世界体操原有格局彻底分崩离析,国际体坛发展的多极化趋势日益明显。

    After Sydney Olympic Games , the international gymnastics federation revised the contest rule and the regulations at large scale , causes the world gymnastics original pattern disintegrated thoroughly , the international sports world development multi-polarization tendency obviously .

  16. 但是悉尼奥运会后,国际体操联合会大幅度修改了比赛规则和规程,这给体操运动发达国家和不发达国家中有单项才华的运动员提供了一展风采的机会。

    But after Sydney Olympic Games , International Gymnastics Federation has modified substantially the contest rules , which provides opportunities of showing capacity for the athletes who has individual talent in gymnastic in developed countries and undeveloped countries .

  17. 第六届世界运动会技巧比赛是新世纪的第一次比赛,也是国际体操联合会颁布的2001-2004年新国际技巧评分规则和难度表的首次使用。

    The acrobatic tournaments of 6th world game is first time game in new century . It is also first time that applied 2001-2004 international code of points sports acrobatic and tables of difficulty published by international gymnastics association .

  18. 2004年2月国际体操联合会在瑞士举行会议,讨论2005~2008年男子竞技体操新规则,并下发新规则变化的草案。

    The FIG meeting was held in Switzerland in Feb. 2004 . At the meeting , the new rules of male gym from 2005 to 2008 was discussed , and some drafts regarding the changes for the new rule were distributed .

  19. 2005年全国技巧锦标赛是今年国内举行的一次重大赛事,也是国际体操联合会技巧委员会在今年2月颁布技巧新周期规则后我国的第1次锦标赛。

    The National Acrobatic Championship in 2005 is an important sport event held domestically this year . It is also the first national championship after the skill committee of the International Gymnastic Federation announced its new round of acrobatic rules in February this year .

  20. 2001-2004年国际体操联合会技巧技术规则的主要变化内容是:单独列出难度分的计算、新增艺术性评分和突破10分制评分等。

    The contents changed in the FIG technical regulations of acrobatics in 2001 ~ 2004 are as follows : The calculation of the scores for difficulty is listed independently . The artistry evaluation is added , the 10-point system evaluation is broken through and so on .