
  1. 美国医学界与1848年《药品进口法》的颁行

    American Medical Profession and the Enactment of the Drug Importation Act of 1848

  2. 被告意图将这批药品进口至英格兰后再转出口。

    It arranged for its importation into England with the intention of re-exporting it .

  3. 不合格的药品禁止进口。

    Disqualified pharmaceutical is prohibited to be imported .

  4. 药品平行进口问题研究

    The Research on Parallel Imports of Pharmaceuticals

  5. 本文根据近年来药品市场进口药的占有情况,分析了我国实行药品专利保护和恢复关贸总协定缔约国地位后国内药品市场的状况。

    According to the occupancy of import drugs in drug market at present , the situation of domestic drug market , at the time that China regains membership in GATT and carries drug patent protection into effect , is analysed .

  6. 除了TRIPs协议对专利仿制药品的平行进口有特殊规定外,在国际层面上基本没有调整平行进口的法律规定。

    Except there is the special regulations about parallel importation of generic drug in TRIPs Agreement , most international conventions have no related previsions about parallel importation .

  7. 专利药品的平行进口、强制许可与差别定价

    Parallel Import , Compulsory Licensing and Differential Pricing of Patented Drugs

  8. 在全球贸易体系中,药品的平行进口是一个非常有争议的问题。

    In the world trading system , the pharmaceutical parallel import is always an controversial problem .

  9. 与日本藤泽药品工业株式会社进口的世福素颗粒相比,相对生物利用度为105.6%。结论本品的制备工艺简单,质量稳定,与进口产品世福素生物等效。

    CONCLUSION The preparation of cefixime granules is simple , the quality can be controlled , and it is bioequivalent with import granules .

  10. 方法:按年度区分,分别对药品分类、进口和国产药、单个药品使用金额及百分比进行排序比较。

    Methods : All data related to use of cardiovascular drugs , such as types of drugs used , imported and domestic drugs , and the sum of expenses of each drug category .

  11. 国营药品和医务用品进口公司

    State Company for Importation of Drugs and Medical Supplies

  12. 日本、韩国、新加坡等亚洲国家,虽确定了中药的药品地位,但进口药材时法律要求进行等同于欧洲的有关重金属、农残、微生物等指标的法检。

    The status of Chinese Traditional Medicine is established in Japan , Korea and Singapore , and so on , but the import herbs must be determined .

  13. 联系海关办理与进口备案有关的事项;通知口岸药品检验所对进口药品实施口岸检验;

    To contact with the customs for handling matters relating to import record keeping ; To notify the port drug inspection offices to make port inspections over the imported drugs ;

  14. 麻醉药品、精神药品进口备案,是指进口单位向口岸药品监督管理局申请办理《进口药品口岸检验通知书》的过程。

    The import record keeping of narcotics and psychotropic drugs refers to the process that the import entities file applications to the drug administrations where the ports are located for Imported Drugs Port Inspection notice .

  15. 从境外进入保税仓库、保税区、出口加工区的药品,免予办理进口备案和口岸检验等进口手续,海关按有关规定实施监管;

    The drugs that enter into the bonded warehouses , bonded areas and export processing areas from abroad shall be exempt from the formalities , and which shall be supervised by the customs in accordance with the relevant regulations .

  16. 进口麻醉药品、精神药品凭《进口药品注册证》,按照麻醉药品、精神药品管理的有关法规办理《进口准许证》。

    An importer of narcotics and psychotropic drugs shall go through formalities for obtaining of import permit upon strength of imported drug registration certificate as per relevant regulations concerning control of narcotics and psychotropic drugs .

  17. 药品必须经由国务院批准的允许药品进口的口岸进口。

    The Drugs shall be imported through ports , which permit the entry of imported drugs upon the approval of the State Council .

  18. 结果:本次抗微生物和寄生虫类招标药品降价幅度为29%,国产药品降价幅度大于进口和合资药品。

    Results : The price of the bidding medicine of anti-infection this time reduced by29 % , and the price of medicine made in China reduced lower than that of import and joint investment .

  19. 另外,我公司谙熟国外药品在中国的审批、注册程序,并已成功地协助多家国外制药企业在中国取得药品的进口注册证。

    Chinese registration procedures for foreign drugs and has successfully assisted many overseas pharmaceutical laboratories to get the Import Drug Licenses in China .

  20. 方法:对2002年南京市医疗机构第一次药品集中招标采购情况进行分类分析。结果:本次抗微生物和寄生虫类招标药品降价幅度为29%,国产药品降价幅度大于进口和合资药品。

    Methods : Analysis the range of concentrate bid of Nanjing Hospital in 2002 . Results : The price of the bidding medicine of anti-infection this time reduced by 29 % , and the price of medicine made in China reduced lower than that of import and joint investment .