
yào xiào dònɡ lì xué
  • pharmacodynamics
  1. 药代动力学(PK)和药效动力学(PD)是药理学重要组成部分。

    Pharmacokinetics ( PK ) and pharmacodynamics ( PD ) are two important parts of pharmacology .

  2. 顺铂和依托泊苷对人肺癌细胞株PAa、PG的药效动力学

    Study the Pharmacodynamics of the Cisplatin and Etoposide to Human Lung Cancer Cell Line PAa and PG

  3. 复方丹参pH依赖型延迟释药微丸在家犬体内的药效动力学

    Pharmacodynamics of compound danshen pH-dependent delayed release pellets in dogs

  4. MTT法研究化疗药物对人胃癌细胞株的药效动力学特征

    Pharmacodynamics of the chemotherapeutic drugs to SGC cell line , researched by MTT assay

  5. 稳态时药效动力学采用Sigmoid模型描述。

    The pharmacodynamics at steady-state was depicted by Sigmoid model .

  6. 化疗药物对人乳腺癌细胞株MCF-7的药效动力学研究

    Pharmacodynamics of chemotherapeutic drugs on MCF-7 cell line

  7. 这种资料的缺乏必然会阻碍FIA药效动力学的研究,而且难免导致临床用药的盲目性。

    The lack of data in this field will hamper the study on the FIA pharmacodynamics , and arouse difficulties to avoid using FIA empirically .

  8. 选择抑制血小板释放5-HT实验和阻滞血小板钙通道实验进行了药效动力学研究,并进行了药动学药效学(PK-PD)相关性分析。

    Restrain thrombocyte to release 5-HT and prevent Ca channel ' of thrombocyte experimen are chosen to carry out the pharmacodynamics research . Also analysis the PK-PD model .

  9. 方法:群体药代动力学模型以及药代动力学(PK)-药效动力学(PD)模型的基本概念、建立步骤、应用特点以及国内外发展现状。

    METHODS : To analyze basic concepts of population pharmacokinetic model and pharmacokinetic ( PK ) - pharmacodynamic ( PD ) model , set up the procedure and study applicational characters and development status at home and abroad .

  10. 利福平可降低氯沙坦的降压作用,CYP2C91/3和1/13突变等位基因可强化这种药效动力学相互作用。

    In the other hand , rifampicin could enhance depressurization of losartan , CYP2C91 / 3 and 1 / 13 mutant alleles could strengthen this kind of pharmacodynamics interaction . 4 .

  11. 其药效动力学参数,可为临床用药作参考。

    The parameters of pharmacodynamics may be helpful for physicians clinic .

  12. 以血清药理学方法研究黄连解毒汤对小鼠的药效动力学

    Pharmacodynamic study on Huanglian Jiedu Decoction in mice by serum pharmacological method

  13. 药代动力学与药效动力学结合模型效应参数的计算程序

    Computer Program for the Effect Parameters of Combined Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Model

  14. 群体药代动力学/群体药效动力学原理及研究方法

    The principles and approaches of population pharmacokinetics and population pharmacodynamics

  15. 麝香保心丸增加大鼠心肌血流灌注量的药效动力学

    Pharmacodynamic Studies on Heart-protecting Musk Pills with Myocardial Blood Flow Perfusion in Rats

  16. 复方马钱子碱的镇痛作用及其药效动力学初步观察

    Analgesia and Pharmacodynamics of Compound Brucine Injection in Mice

  17. 目的探讨麝香保心丸的药效动力学参数。

    Aim To investigate the pharmacodynamic parameters of Heart - protecting musk pills .

  18. 水合氯醛用于早产儿的药效动力学

    Pharmacodynamics of chloral hydrate in former preterm infants

  19. 罗库溴铵对老年病人的药效动力学影响

    Effects of pharmacodynamics of rocuronium in elderly patients

  20. 酮洛芬β-CD包合物在兔体内药代动力学&药效动力学研究

    Studies on the pharmacokinetic pharmacodynamic model of ketoprofen β CD inclusion complex in rabbits

  21. 其药效动力学过程符合血管外给药的一室开放模型。

    The pharmacodynamic process accorded with the one chamber open model of intravascular administration .

  22. 目的研究胰岛素口腔喷雾剂人体药代动力学及药效动力学特征。

    Objective To study the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the Insulin Buccal Spray .

  23. 本文就药效动力学研究中数学模型的应用进展作一综述。

    The application of mathematical models in the study of pharmacokinetic dynamics were surveyed .

  24. 胰岛素不同给药途径控制2型糖尿病小鼠血糖的药效动力学研究

    Study on the pharmacodynamics of different administration methods of insulin on type ⅱ diabetes model

  25. 普萘洛尔及4-羟普萘洛尔的药效动力学分析

    Pharmacodynamic analysis of propranolol and 4-hydroxy propranolol

  26. 药代动力学药效动力学结合模型研究进展

    Advance in pharmacokinetics / pharmacodynamics modeling

  27. 药物动力学与药效动力学结合模型的研究进展

    Research evolution of pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling

  28. 目的:比较罗库溴铵和琥珀胆碱的药效动力学以及用于气管内插管的效果。

    Objective : To study clinical pharmacodynamics and efficacy for endotracheal intubation of rocuronium and succinylcholine at different dosage .

  29. 从体存药效动力学研究所得结果可以推测出,五种提取物均属于短半效期制剂。

    It could be conjectured that all of the five alcoholic extractives belong to short-half period preparations studied by Pharmacological Effect Method .

  30. 靶控输注异丙酚的临床应用和准确性评价不同靶控浓度反馈输注异丙酚的药效动力学

    The accuracy of target-controlled infusion of propofol in Chinese The clinical effects of different target concentrations during closed-loop anesthesia with propofol administered by TCI