
  • 网络combination marketing;Marketing mix;Integrated Marketing
  1. 分析您公司的营销战略,并解析在您组织组合营销活动中的关键成功因素和指标。

    Analyze the marketing strategy of an organization of your choice and identify the key success factors or indicators in the marketing mix and the activities of an organization .

  2. 城市营销者应在进行营销环境、优势劣势和目标市场分析的基础上,实施以产品、定价、渠道、促销、人员、有形展示、营销过程、公私协作为核心的组合营销策略。

    Based on analyzing marketing circumstance , advantage and disadvantage , destination marketing , city marketer implement integrated marketing strategy through integrating products , price , place , promotion , people , substantial exhibition , marketing process and co-operation of public value and private value .

  3. 目前,多数工程机械经营租赁企业的营销工作仍延续传统的4P组合营销,租赁服务同质化严重,缺乏核心竞争力&市场营销力。

    At present many engineering machines lease enterprises ' marketing work is the traditional 4 P combination marketing .

  4. 有关市场营销的理论有很多种,但4P(price.product.place.promotion)组合营销理论是其中的经典之作。

    There are many kinds of marketing theories , but 4P (( price . product . place . promotion ) combination marketing theory is one of the classic .

  5. 第五章是根据选定的目标客户和市场竞争的程度进行STP营销策略分析,第六章是更细化的组合营销策略分析。

    The fifth chapter takes the STP marketing strategy analysis according to the goal customer and the market competition level . The sixth chapter takes detailed analysis of combination marketing strategy analysis .

  6. 组合营销策略中基于约束的关联规则挖掘方法

    Mining Association Rules Based on Constraints in Mix Marketing Strategy

  7. 本文在分析了阻碍我国商业银行进行组合营销深化的基本因素后,对进一步实施组合营销的深化提出了建议。

    After factors preventing commercial banks from deepening process of crossing sale analyzed .

  8. 超市场细分下的组合营销研究

    A Study on Mixed Marketing in Over Segmented Markets

  9. 商业银行公司金融产品组合营销深化研究

    A Study of Deepening Process of Crossing Sale of Corporate-Oriented Financial Products by Commercial Banks

  10. 即配套实施组合营销策略,主动扩展西油分公司天然气市场;

    The suggestions include complete composed marketing strategy to extend the gas market of Southwest Oil and Gas Field Branch ;

  11. 网络销售是电子商务的一种重要的形式,而组合营销是提升网络销售业绩的一种重要手段。

    Mix marketing strategy is an important method of increasing sales based on internet which is a main pattern of electronic commerce .

  12. 目的是降低营销成本,提高营销效率,进行针对性较强的组合营销。

    Its purpose is to reduce the marketing cost , improving the efficiency of marketing , and the marketing combination of strong .

  13. 红色旅游目的地营销应该综合运用品牌营销、网络营销、软营销、组合营销和协作营销等多种营销方法。

    Such marketing modes can be adopted in marketing red tourism destinations : brand marketing , internet marketing , soft marketing , cooperation marketing , etc.

  14. 本文以南京浦发银行为例,在对相关营销理论进行阐述的基础上,为南京浦发银行选择适合自身发展的轻松理财卡组合营销策略。

    In the basic of relevant marketing theory elaborating , suitable development of marketing strategy of leisure banking card combination for Nanjing Pudong Development Bank has been chosen .

  15. 运用营销理论,确定轻松理财卡组合营销策略,包括差异化策略、创新策略、促销策略和品牌策略。

    The marketing strategy of leisure banking card combination which including differentiated strategy , innovation strategy , marketing strategy , and brand strategy , is determined via the use of marketing theory .

  16. 加上利用新的营销平台,针对主要客户人群进行针对性组合营销工作,来达到品牌宣传、扩大知名度和占据一定市场份额的目的。

    Coupled with the use of new marketing platform for targeted marketing efforts for major clients portfolio crowd , to achieve brand awareness , expand awareness and occupy a certain market share goal .

  17. 针对目前我国网络销售的基本模式,在已发现的组合营销策略特点的基础上,提出了一种基于约束的关联规则挖掘新算法。

    According to the basic pattern of sales based on internet and the attribute of mix marketing strategy dug out , this paper proposes a new algorithm of mining association rules based on constraints .

  18. 文章提出了建立产品集中协调小组、产品经理的信息管理系统和加强细分市场的电信产品组合营销工作三大主要改进建议。

    The thesis puts forward three main suggestions which are establishing coordination group for production and information management system for production managers and strengthening the market subdividing for the marketing of the telecommunication production portfolios .

  19. 从战术上讲,湖南电信要强化服务,充分利用全业务经营优势,推行产品组合营销;

    To carry out the strategy , the service quality of Hunan Telecom is to be strengthened , and the combined product marketing method must be promoted , benefiting from its advantage of all-round service .

  20. 我国商业银行的竞争模式正在从简单的产品扩张向提供深入服务的方向转化,对组合营销这种有效的竞争手段的深化将大大有利于商业银行提升营销层次,提高自身竞争力。

    Now our commercial banks are changing their competition patterns from single product expansion to deep service provision . By deepening process of crossing sale , an effective means of competition , commercial banks can significantly improve their marketing performance and enhance their competitiveness .

  21. 最后,文章在上述客户群描述的基础上提出了针对各个客户群的业务组合和营销策略。

    Finally , this paper proposes the marketing strategies of each group .

  22. 简述金属尾矿回收绢云母的市场总体战略,并着重以目标市场细分、竞争者分析营销组合、营销组织为重点,探讨绢云母市场开拓战略问题。

    This article briefly describes the general marketing strategy for recovery of sericite from tailings , making emphasis on target market division , marketing grouping and marketing organization .

  23. 营销战略是公司希望实现其营销目标所依据的思维逻辑。营销战略由用于目标市场、定位、营销组合和营销开支水平的各个特定战略组成。

    Marketing strategy is the marketing logic whereby the company hopes to achieve its marketing objectives , which includes special strategies for target markets , positioning , the marketing mix and marketing expenditure levels .

  24. 全文的核心部分,针对案例公司的整合营销方案设计,从营销战略、营销组合、营销组织、营销流程4个方面提出整合方案,并为保证方案的有效实施提出保障性意见。

    Put forward integration solutions for the case company marketing strategy , marketing tools , marketing organization , marketing process 4 respects , and put forward views to ensure the effective implementation of security scheme .

  25. 房地产营销战略的制定按照内外部分析、市场调查、目标市场选择、市场定位、营销策略组合以及营销控制六大步骤依次展开。

    The establishment of real estate marketing stragetics will be performed in six steps : external and internal analysis , market investigation , objective market selection , market positioning , marketing tactics mix and marketing control .

  26. 在分析高等教育的服务属性、非赢利性、功能多样性和投资主体多元性的基础上,重点分析了高等教育营销的顾客构成、营销组合、营销职能等方面的若干特点与营销启示。

    The features of service , non-profit , multiple functions and diversified investment subjects in higher education are analyzed . The characteristics of customer composition , marketing mix and marketing functions in higher education marketing are discussed .

  27. 树立正确的营销指导思想,根据农产品市场营销活动的特点,加强其市场调研与预测,采取差异化、品牌化、绿色化、组织化、组合化营销策略,是做好其营销工作的有效保证。

    Establishing correct marketing guideline , strengthening market research and forecast according to the characteristics of the marketing of agricultural products , and adopting marketing strategies of differentiating , branding , greening , organizing , mixing are effective guarantee of doing the marketing work .

  28. H公司从客户细分管理、服务营销组合和品牌营销三方面探讨和设计了H公司外部客户的服务营销。

    The enterprises have been probed and designed service market for exterior customer from three aspects , including customer segment management , service marketing combinations and brand marketing .

  29. 21世纪是一个发展迅速的时代,市场营销在此期间得到了在其他任何时期都无法比拟的重视,作为营销4P组合之一的营销渠道自然也获得了长足的发展。

    21 ~ ( st ) century is an age that develops very quickly . People attach much more importance to marketing in this period than in any other period .

  30. 第五,运用4P战略,开展营销组合;7P营销组合在传统的4P营销组合中,又融入了人员、过程和有形展示等具有服务特征的营销要素。

    To implement the 4P strategy , and to form the marketing mix ; 7P Marketing Mix thaws people , process and physical evidence in the traditional 4P Marketing Mix .