
  1. 结构素描又称设计素描,是我国美术设计教育领域近年来吸收国外经验,并结合国内需要所增设的一门新学科,它比光影素描更趋于理性化和概念化。

    Structure sketch , also called design sketch , is a new subject which absorbs foreign experiences in combination with domestic demand in our art design education . Compared with light sketch , it is more reasonable and more conceptual .

  2. 作者在没有明确油画创作方向的情况下,以传统光影写实素描体系为原则作直逼自己素描写实能力极限点的素描极限训练。

    Without specific oil-painting facture direction , author regards the traditional true-life charcoal drawing system as his own point of no returning in utmost way training .