
  • 网络sintered corundum;sintered alumina
  1. 本文介绍了天然白泡石、电熔石英砖、烧结刚玉砖、电熔锆刚玉和烧结锆英石五种耐火材料在高温(1400~1500℃)时受高强玻璃液的侵蚀的试验情况。

    The corrosion resistance performances of natural white afrodite , electric cast quartz bricks , sintered alumina , electric cast AZS and sintered zircon in molten glasses for high-strength fiber drawing at high temperatures ( 1400 ~ 1500 ℃) have been studied .

  2. 特殊品种的磨具有烧结刚玉磨具和纤维磨具等。

    Special varieties of grinding with sintered corundum abrasives such as abrasive and fiber .

  3. 高温烧结刚玉SG抛光微粉的研制

    Development of SG Polishing Powder by High Temperature Sintering

  4. 烧结刚玉锆莫来石材料的铝硅锆共析结构研究

    Study of Si-Al-Zr Cocrystallization Structure of the Sintered Corundum-zirconia-Mullite Material

  5. 添加氧化镁反应烧结刚玉-锆英石的显微物相研究

    Microscopy study on the sintering-reaction process of corundum and zircon mixture with MgO additive

  6. 用烧结刚玉研制再结合刚玉砖

    Rebonded corundum brick made from sintered corundum

  7. 高炉陶瓷杯用溶胶结合棕刚玉&SiC砖的研制与生产烧结刚玉材料研究

    Research and production of boned brown corundum-silicon carbide brick for the structure of blast furnace

  8. 初步研究了凝胶法莫来石粉在钛酸铝陶瓷和烧结刚玉砖中的应用。

    The applications of the mullite geled powder in aluminum titanate and corundum brick were investigated .

  9. 通过干燥、煅烧,制得片状结晶莫来石粉.初步研究了凝胶法莫来石粉在钛酸铝陶瓷和烧结刚玉砖中的应用。

    The applications of the geled mullite powder in aluminium titanate ceramic and corundum brick were investigated .

  10. 此外,还有一些特殊品种,如烧结刚玉磨具等。

    In addition , there are some special species , such as abrasives , such as sintered corundum .

  11. 烧结刚玉材料研究

    On sintering corundum materials

  12. 前者用刚玉和碳化硅等普通磨料,后者用金刚石和立方氮化硼等超硬磨料制成。此外,还有一些特殊品种,如烧结刚玉磨具等。

    The former general with corundum and silicon carbide abrasive , while the latter such as diamond and cubic boron nitride superabrasive made .

  13. 以优质矾土熟料和烧结刚玉为骨科及掺合料,加入一定比例的钢纤维,配制成热震稳定性好,耐侵蚀的钢纤维增强高铝浇注料。

    The stainless-steel fibre reinforced high alumina castable was prepared with high quality bauxite clinker and sintered corundum as aggregate , some additives and proper ratio of stainless-stee fibre . the castable possesses good thermal shock resistance .

  14. 通过调节硅微粉、氧化铝微粉及烧结温度可控制刚玉莫来石复相陶瓷的显微结构,改善刚玉莫来石复相陶瓷的高温强度。

    The microstructure of corundum-mullite duplex can be controlled by adjusting microsilica , alumina and firing temperature , which can improve hot strength of corundum-mullite duplex ceramic .