
  1. 本文提出了行业内营销现状的几个问题,以及研制和推广环保型水性集装箱涂料的问题。

    The author believes that we must try to develop water-based coatings for containers to meet the requirement coming from the protection of the environment .

  2. 重防腐涂料,尤其是集装箱涂料,是很有发展前途的工业涂料品种。水性木器涂料流水线涂装生产工艺探讨

    Heavy-duty anti-corrosive coatings , especially cabinet coatings , is another area which has bright developing prospect . Discussion on the application line technology of water-borne wood coatings

  3. 本文还讨论了体积固含量的计算方法,为集装箱涂料厚度计算和配方设计提供了依据。

    The paper also discussed on calculation methods of solid content in volume , which can help to calculate the thickness and the formula design of the container coatings .

  4. 集装箱箱底涂料流变性能的研究

    Studies on rheological property of coating for handling container bottom

  5. 成膜物组成对集装箱箱底涂料耐腐蚀性能的影响

    Corrosion Resistance of Film-Forming Substances in Paint for Container Bottom

  6. 本课题采用煤沥青为集装箱底涂料的主要成膜树脂。

    Hosen as the main film-forming resin in the development of the paint for container bottom .

  7. 结果表明,触变剂的加入能满足集装箱底涂料对流变性的要求。

    The results show that the addition of thixotropic agent improves the rheological property of coating for handling container bottom obviously .