
  1. C1023是一种作导向器材料的镍基铸造合金。

    C1023 is a cast Ni-base alloy used for turbine nozzles .

  2. 低膨胀系数镍基铸造合金&新型焊接夹具材料

    A nickel-base cast alloy with low expansion coefficient & A new material for welding clamp

  3. 一次碳化物MC是镍基铸造高温合金的主要析出相之一。

    MC carbide is one of the main phases precipitated in cast Ni-base superalloys .

  4. 镍基铸造高温合金中元素对一次碳化物MC的组成及其形态的影响

    Effects of alloy elements on the composition and morphology of MC carbide in Cast Ni-base superalloys

  5. 评述了镍基铸造高温合金的热等静压(HIP)处理对组织和力学性能的影响。

    The effect of hot isostatic pressing ( HIP ) treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of cast Ni-base superalloy as reviewed .

  6. 本文阐述了用过渡液相扩散连接方法焊接K3镍基铸造高温合金的基本工艺。

    The essential technology to we 'd K3 nickel-based super alloy using transition liquid diffusion bonding is described .

  7. K17镍基铸造高温合金环境损伤的研究

    Environmental damage of CAST Ni - base superalloy K17

  8. 镍基铸造高温合金K424使用量多,返回料数量大。

    The revert amount of K 424 superalloy is quite great because of the wide application .

  9. 一种低成本镍基铸造高温合金的高温力学行为

    High Temperature Mechanical Behavior of a Cast Nickel-base Superalloy with Low Cost

  10. 抗热腐蚀无钴镍基铸造高温合金的设计

    Alloy design of cobalt-free , nickel base superalloy resistant to hot corrosion

  11. 一种定向凝固镍基铸造高温合金的物理化学相分析

    Physicochemical phase analysis of a directionally solidified Ni-based cast superalloy

  12. 镍基铸造高温合金热等静压处理的研究

    Hot Isostatic Pressing Treatment of Cast Ni-base Superalloy

  13. 就热等静压处理对镍基铸造高温合金的缺陷消除、组织和力学性能的改善作了研究。

    The elimination of defects and the improvement in microstructure and mechanical properties of a east Ni-base superalloy treated with hot isostatic pressing ( HIP ) have been investigated .