
piān zhānɡ fēn xī
  • discourse analysis;text/textual analysis
  1. 再论语用学对篇章分析的影响

    Talk Again About Pragmatic Influence on Discourse Analysis

  2. 在英语篇章分析中,不同的管领词所修饰或通领的管界的范围和位置不尽相同。

    In English discourse analysis , the range and the position of the governing areas dominated or modified by different governors take on different looks .

  3. 这是因为discourse包括话语和书面语。接下来简要地论述了篇章分析的相关理论和本文的写作意图。

    Then the definition of discourse analysis and the purpose of the thesis are briefly discussed .

  4. 目前LTP集成了包括词法、词义、句法、语义、篇章分析等10项中文处理核心技术。

    Current LTP has integrated ten key Chinese processing modules on morphology , word sense , syntax , and document analysis .

  5. 然后,根据自然语言理解篇章分析模型,设计实现了基于领域的汉语NLU篇章分析系统。

    Third , the Domain NLU discourse model is designed and realized according to the model .

  6. 然后给出了HRNC的构造算法,它是在汉语篇章分析的过程中动态建立和更新的;汉语篇章的指代消解浅论

    And gives an algorithm of creating the representation structure . On Anaphora Resolution within Chinese Text

  7. 国际商务购销英文合同的篇章分析

    Textual Analysis of International Business Purchase & Sales Contract in English

  8. 汉语篇章分析的兴起与发展

    Historical Stages of the Rise and Growth of Chinese Text Analysis

  9. 英语词汇在篇章分析中的有效教学研究

    On Vocabulary Teaching by Integrating Vocabulary Learning into Textual Analysis

  10. 篇章分析与逻辑学中逻辑含义的比较

    The Meaning of " Logic " in Discourse Analysis and Logic Science

  11. 篇章分析中的中心理论在汉语中的应用

    The Center Theory in Discourse Analyses discourse Harbor Center

  12. 基于关系图的篇章分析方法及算法设计

    Research and Arithmetic Design of Approaches for Text Analysis Based on Relation Maps

  13. 有关篇章分析与汉语篇章连接成分的几个问题

    On Textual Analysis and Chinese Textual Connectives

  14. 篇章分析在阅读教学中的作用

    Function of Text Analysis in Reading-Teaching

  15. 因此,文章着重讨论了阅读过程和篇章分析的一些相关理论,以及篇章分析在阅读教学中的作用。

    As a result , the author mainly explores the theories of reading and text analysis , and functions of text analysis in reading-teaching .

  16. 自然语言理解的研究自底而上可划分为四个基本层次,分别是语言词典构造、语法分析、语义分析和篇章分析。

    The research of Natural Language Understanding is composed of four parts . From bottom to top , they are language dictionary , syntax analysis , semantics analysis and text analysis .

  17. 第二章是文献回顾,包括体裁和篇章分析理论.第三章阐述了篇章分析与体裁教学相结合在英语教学中的应用。

    Chapter Two is a literature review , consisting of genre theory and textual analysis theory . Chapter Three elaborates the application of textual analysis and genre-based teaching into English reading instruction .

  18. 衔接与连贯是篇章分析中的两个重要研究对象。

    Cohesion and coherence are two of the most important objects of study in text analysis and this paper intends to concentrate on these two aspects and their relationship in news script .

  19. 受此启发,本文拟从篇章分析的角度对英汉的衔接手段进行系统的对比分析,并从大量例证出发归纳出比较系统全面的翻译策略。

    On this account , this thesis attempts to study translation from perspective of text analysis by comparing the cohesive devices on the one hand and bringing forward their respective translating strategies on the other .

  20. 主位结构及主述位模式是篇章分析中重要的分析工具,主位结构的运用在探究篇章如何组织方面能够提供很多的启示。

    Theme & Rheme structure and Thematic development patterns are very important devices in text analysis , The employment of the thematic structure can provide a lot of insights in exploring how texts are constructed .

  21. 信息抽取系统中的关键技术主要包括:自然语言处理、命名实体识别、篇章分析及推理和知识获取。信息抽取过程包括学习过程和应用过程。

    The key technology in information extraction include : natural language process , naming entity recognition , document analysis and induction , knowledge attainment etc. the process of information extraction include learning and application process .

  22. 共指消解是自然语言处理中的核心任务,它对于篇章分析、自动文摘、信息抽取、信息检索、信息过滤和机器翻译等都具有重要的意义。

    As the core of natural language processing ( NLP ), coreference resolution has the important significance in message understanding , text summarization , information extraction , information retrieval , information filtration , and machine translation .

  23. 以《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》为例,运用语用学和话语篇章分析理论,从话轮转换模式可透析剧中各人物性格和人物关系。

    Take an excerpt from Long Day 's Journey into Night as an example , on the basis of the theory of discourse analysis and pragmatics , the study of the turn-taking in shaping of character and character relationships has its explanatory force .

  24. 本文运用篇章分析的方法,就英语和德语在语序方面的异同进行分析,说明语序的变化不仅与句法有关,更与文章的语境、语义,以及当时社会的文化背景有着密不可分的联系。

    Comparing and contrasting the lingual-sequence of English and German by the way of discourse analysis , we want to point out that , the changing of the lingual-sequence not only relate to syntax , but also has close relationship with lingual-circumstance , semantics and the social cultural background .

  25. 本文对现有知识表示方法进行对比,指出各个方法的优缺点,结合多种方法提出了自然语言篇章分析所需的知识表示方法,并应用于篇章理解知识库的构建。

    First of all , some current methods and theories of NLU knowledge expression are presented and compared , the advantages and disadvantages of each method are shown , and then a way to express NLU discourse information is brought and applied to the construction of NLU Discourse Knowledge Base .

  26. 该方法与不结合篇章结构分析的SVM算法和SO-PMI算法相比,查准率提高了11.2%,查全率提高了9.3%,分别达到88.0%和86.8%。

    To compare with PMI algorithm and SVM algorithm not based on the discourse structure , recall and precision of this method increase nearly 10 % , reaching 88.0 % and 86.8 % respectively .

  27. 本文以意义相似,功能相符这一翻译标准为主要依据客观地评论了TheColorofTheSky的中译。通过对其词汇、句法和篇章的分析,总体确认,这是一篇成功的译文。

    Under the guidance of " Correspondence in Meaning and Similarity in Function ", this article puts objective comment on the Chinese version of THE COLOR OF THE SKY , which proves to be a successful translation through detailed analyses on lexical , syntactical and discourse level .

  28. 篇章关系分析是自然语言处理的一个核心问题。

    Discourse relation analysis is a core issue in natural language processing .

  29. 篇章模式分析与大学英语精读教学

    The analysis of text patterns and college english intensive reading

  30. 刍议英语篇章结构分析

    On the Analysis of the Discourse Structure of English Text