
  • 网络reuse;Water Reuse;Water Recycling
  1. MBR在中水回用领域的工程应用研究

    Application and Research of MBR in Intermediate - water Reuse Project

  2. MBR工艺用于生态型住宅小区的中水回用

    Application of MBR Process to the Reclaimed Water Reuse of Residential Eco-region

  3. MBR工艺中水回用工程运行工况的研究

    Study on Membrane Bioreactor Reclaimed-water Reuse Project Operation

  4. CASS工艺用于建筑小区污水处理及中水回用

    Applications of CASS Process in Wastewater Treatment and Recycling of Architecture Section

  5. 超声清洗MBR生物膜&臭氧化技术在中水回用中的应用

    The Application of Cleaning the BiomemBrane With Ultrasonics Technique and Ozone Oxidation Technique in the Recovery of Neutral Waste Water

  6. 大连香格里拉大饭店中水回用工程设计规模为60m3/d,采用MBR工艺。

    The wastewater reuse project of ShangriLa Hotel in Dalian City was designed as a MBR facility with capacity of 60 cubic meters per day .

  7. 用膜生物反应器(简称MBR)技术对冲水式卫生间的污水进行处理,从而实现中水回用,循环往复;

    " Grey water " could be reused by using the technology of membranous biological reactor ( MBR ) on the sewage in the flushing toilets ;

  8. 出水水质同常规MBR相比几乎没有差别,可以满足中水回用的水质标准。

    The quality of the outlet water by this process is nearly the same as that by the traditional MBR system and reaches the standard of reused water .

  9. CMFW-2连续微滤膜技术在中水回用中的应用

    Application of CMFW-2 Continous Microfiltration Technology in Treatment of Reclaimed Water

  10. 太原精神病医院将现有生活污水处理系统改建为中水回用系统,平均日处理水量100m3。

    The wastewater treatment engineering of Taiyuan Psychiatric Hospital was recon structed to water reuse engineering . The average treatment capacity was 100 m3 / d.

  11. 试验结果表明,采用7m3/dMBR进行火电厂中水回用处理,出水水质好,可满足电厂锅炉补给水反渗透进水要求,且运行参数稳定。

    Results of test show that the adoption of a 7 m3 / d MBR in treatment system for reusing intermediate water in power plant has good quality of output water , stable parameters of operation , satisfying the incoming condition of boiler make - up water before reverse osmosis .

  12. 通用中水回用控制系统的研究

    Research and Development of General Control System for Middling Water Recycling

  13. 广东海洋大学主校区中水回用系统设计

    Reclaimed water reuse system design of Guangdong Ocean University main campus

  14. 对太原市发展中水回用的思考

    Thinking on the Necessity of Waste Water Recycling in Taiyuan City

  15. 石灰深度处理在电厂中水回用中的应用

    Application of lime treatment in municipal wastewater reuse in power plants

  16. 北京地铁古城车辆段的中水回用工程

    Reclaimed Water Reuse Project in Gucheng Depot of Beijing Metro

  17. 城市污水中水回用的分散与集中处理对比研究

    The Comparative Study of Scattering and Intensive Treatment of Urban Sewage Reuse

  18. 中水回用工程在住宅小区的应用

    The application on utilization project of reclaimed water in the residential quarter

  19. 中水回用装置中采用可编程控制器的4种控制方式

    Four different modes of PLC control for wastewater treatment system

  20. 中水回用电厂循环冷却水系统相关材料的腐蚀数据

    Corrosion Data of Materials for Circulating Cooling Regenerated Water in Power Plants

  21. 污水净化公司中水回用工程介绍

    The introduction on the waste water reuse project for sewage purification company

  22. 火力发电厂中水回用技术与应用前景

    Application and Prospect of Reclaimed Water Reuse Technology in Thermal Power Plant

  23. 某中水回用安装工程技术及经济分析

    Some middle water recycles installation work technology and economic analysis

  24. 火车站机务段中水回用工程研究与应用

    Study on the Application of Reclaimed Water Reusing System in Railway Station

  25. 许昌市中水回用及效益探析

    The Reusing of the Middle Water and Analysis of Mileage in Xuchang

  26. 住宅小区中水回用系统技术经济比较

    Technical and economical comparison on intermediate water reuse system of residential quarter

  27. 中水回用是城市污水资源化的有效途径

    Reuse of Medium-treated Water & An Effective Approach for Municipal Sewage Resource

  28. 生活污水处理与中水回用设备&膜-生物反应器及其净化槽

    Domestic Wastewater Treatment and Water Reclamation Equipment : Membrane Bioreactor

  29. 中水回用技术及其在建筑消防中的应用

    Municipal Sewage Reusing Technology and its Application in Building Fire

  30. 利用自由基氧化技术进行中水回用的研究水泥窑用后镁铬砖在镁质浇注料中的回收利用

    Study on the Application of Reused Magnesia-Chrome Brick in Magnesia Based Castable