
  • 网络Members of Academia Sinica;Academician of Academia Sinica
  1. 研究表明,这次会议的举行标志着中央研究院院士制度的建立,意味着中央研究院的学术奖励体制基本形成。

    The assembly is a symbol of the establishment of the academician system of Academia Sinica , as well as the formation of the academic reward system .

  2. 我的两个同班同学成了中央研究院的院士。

    Two of my classmates became academicians of Academia Sinica .

  3. 1948年中央研究院第一届院士的选举

    Election of the First Batch of Academicians of Academia Sinica in 1948

  4. 中央研究院第一届院士选举是现代中国学术界自主选举学术精英的典范。

    The election is an apotheosis of electing elite completely chaired by modern Chinese intellectuals . The first is the historiography .