
  1. 如果你以朋友身份来找我,那么伤害你女儿的杂碎当天就会受到折磨。

    If you 'd come in friendship , the scum ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day .

  2. 我们今天以朋友身份来到此地,想忘掉我们彼此间的分歧,痛痛快快地玩上几个小时。

    We are here today as friends and want to forget our differences and enjoy ourselves for a few hours .

  3. 真诚待人,并不是要去吹捧和巴结,而是以朋友身份平等交往。

    Need a person sincerely , not be to flatter and should insinuate , interact with friend dignity equality however .

  4. 知情人告诉USWeekly:他们在4月进组拍摄时以朋友的身份相处,然后某一天,他们突然开始接吻了。

    ' They started the shoot in April as friends , and then one day they just started kissing , ' a source told Us Weekly .

  5. 我以一个朋友的身份建议你。

    I am advising you as the status of a friend .

  6. 他是以朋友的身份来这儿听你们的抱怨的。

    He 's here as a friend to hear your compiaints .

  7. 我能以朋友的身份说点忠告吗?

    Can I say something to you as a friend ?

  8. 别这样我是以朋友的身份来的

    Don 't get upset . I 'm here as a friend .

  9. 他想以朋友的身份来看看。

    He wants to stop by as a friend .

  10. 我只是安慰了她一下,以朋友的身份。

    I-I just comforted her , as a friend .

  11. 我是以朋友的身份跟你说话。

    I 'm talking to you as a friend .

  12. 瑞秋不知道该以朋友的身份安慰他,还是趁机下手。

    Rachel tries to decidewhether to comfort him as a friend , or to make a move .

  13. 我是以朋友的身份问的,因为我不会不高兴。

    And I 'm just asking as a friend , because I am totally fine with this .

  14. 本杰明:或许你应该和他以朋友的身份谈谈,而不是上司。

    Benjamin : Maybe you should communicate with him just like a friend , not a boss .

  15. 不过,克劳福德,虽然我拒不接受你做房客,但是欢迎你以朋友的身份到我那儿去住。

    But , Crawford , though I refuse you as a tenant , come to me as a friend .

  16. 抱歉我本以为…我不是有意…我们是以朋友的身份站在这里吧?

    Lily : I 'm sorry . I thought ... um ... I didn 't mean ... we 're here as friends , right ? -

  17. 如果我选择在今后的日子里,以朋友的身份不断送给她各种迷人的礼物,那就是我的事情了,不是吗?

    And if I choose to shower her with fancier gifts in years to come , just as a friend , then that 's my business , isn 't it ?

  18. 马来西亚航空一位代表说,该公司要先了解一下这个电视报道,再做评论。鲁斯所说的另一位飞行员以及她的朋友的身份尚不得而知。

    A Malaysia Airlines representative said the company wanted to review the television report before commenting . The identities of the second pilot and the friend in the photos weren 't immediately known .

  19. 在贝拉要去见爱德华一家之前,他们两个坐在贝拉厨房里的时候,爱德华很想知道贝拉会不会把他以男朋友的身份介绍给查理。

    Q.When Bella and Edward are sitting in her kitchen before they go to meet his family , Edward wants to know if Bella is going to introduce him to Charlie as her boyfriend .

  20. 通常而言,他们会以顾客朋友的身份打电话给被甩的一方,告知他/她的另一半必须得放弃他们之间的关系了,这样对双方都好。

    Usually , they make a call to the dumped as a friend of their client , saying that his or her significant other has to quit their relationship and it is good for both parties .

  21. 我觉得随着企业的扩大,之所以会产生许多问题,之所以要有某种组织结构,是因为那种融洽的关系被打破,人们不是以朋友的身份去自由交谈。

    I think that as organizations grow , a lot of the issues and structure that 's put in place is put there because a comfort level breaks down and people communicating freely in a way that they can 't when they 're friends .

  22. 朋友穿彰显身份服务生穿湮没无闻

    Lends distinction to friends and anonymity to waiters .

  23. 这份分居协议有林和梅的共同签字,并由梅和林的朋友以证人的身份的签字。

    The agreement bears the signature of Mei , Lin and their friends as witnesses .

  24. 我们看到一位个子高、肤色棕黑、非常时髦的女士。我的朋友告诉我她的身份。

    We noticed a tall , dark , very fashionable lady , and my friend told me who she was .

  25. 然而她很快就发现,她早晚必须在这两个派别中挑选一个,选择抛弃一边的朋友,取得另一边朋友的身份认同。

    After a while , it 's only a matter of time before she will be forced to choose between the two gangs , decide which friends to abandon , and which identity to assume .

  26. 如果你与某个特定的医药代表是朋友,那么你可以以朋友的身份参加。

    If you 're friends with one particular rep , then you can go as friends .