
péng dǎng
  • Friends;clique;faction;cabal
朋党 [péng dǎng]
  • [clique;cabal] 集团,派别,多为争夺权利、排斥异己互相勾结而成

朋党[péng dǎng]
  1. 朋党的看法、情绪、见解等

    Partisan attitudes , feelings , thinking , etc

  2. 这些问题,就是为何菲律宾官员经常被指贪赃枉法、朋党营私的答案。

    This explains why Philippine officials are often accused of taking bribes and cronyism .

  3. 复杂是有钱人的朋友,也是朋党营私的朋友。

    It is the friend of the deep pocket . It is the friend of cronyism .

  4. 何8:9他们投奔亚述、同独行的野驴.法莲贿买朋党。

    For they have gone up to Assyria , Like a wild donkey all alone ; Ephraim has hired lovers .

  5. 他们投奔亚述,如同独行的野驴。以法莲贿买朋党。

    For they are gone up to assyria , a wild ass alone by himself : ephraim hath hired lovers .

  6. 后以李膺、杜密、范滂为首的朋党皆被杀,前后又100多人丧命。

    The leading partisans , including Li Ying , Du Mi , and Fan Pang were arrested and executed . Overall , about 100 people lost their lives .

  7. 但是宦官并不满足于此,公元169年,他们对13岁的灵帝说朋党欲造反。

    The eunuchs were not content with just removing the partisans from government . In 169 , they persuaded the 13-year-old Emperor Ling that the partisans were intent to rebel .

  8. 安史之乱使农业生产受到极大破坏,接着又有藩镇割据、宦官专权和朋党之争,使唐朝政局更为混乱。

    Agriculture was seriously destroyed , then vassal states set up separatist regimes by force , eunuchs grabbed all the powers , parties contended for power and profits , the political situation of Tang was in great turmoil .