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ɡònɡ jǔ
  • civil-service examination
  • recommend talented persons to the imperial court for national service
贡举 [gòng jǔ]
  • [civil examinations for government degrees] 古时地方官府向帝王荐举人才,有乡里选举诸侯贡士之制,至汉始合贡、举为一,而浑称贡举。明、清则泛指科举制度

  1. 北宋贡举改革与经学变古

    Reform of Imperial Examination in Northern Song Dynasty and Change of Classics Studies

  2. 入宋以后,翰林学士除继续拥有这两大职能外,经常担任朝官,并充当主考官&知贡举。

    To Song after the Imperial Academicians in addition to continuing with these two functions , often as court officials , and serves as the interviewer ( known Imperial Examination ) .

  3. 改革派主张学校贡举,其精神实质是参考士子学历品行甄别人才;

    The reform group were in favour of officers slection by school way , its crux was to screen talents by reference to the record of formal schooling and moral quality of the intellectual .