
gòng pǐn
  • tribute;articles of tribute
贡品 [gòng pǐn]
  • [articles of tribute] 古时臣子或属国进贡给帝王的物品

贡品[gòng pǐn]
  1. 经NIH小鼠急性毒性实验测定结果表明,贡品健身酒最大耐受量为270ml/kg。

    Acute toxicity test showed that maximum tolerance dose ( MTD ) of mice to Tribute Health Wine was 270ml / kg .

  2. 我们必须尽快将贡品运出去。

    We have to deliver the tribute as soon as possible .

  3. 我们都知道,我们的孩子会成为牛人的贡品。

    We know our children are sacrificed to a wild beast .

  4. 贡品健身酒的保健功效研究

    Study of Tribute Health Wine on Acute Toxicity and Health Efficiency

  5. 好吃谢谢你的贡品

    Mmm .. Very nice . Thank you for the sacrifice .

  6. 730.微不足道的贡品形成(构成)了选举人的报告的属性。

    730 . Trivial tributes constitute the attribute of constituent 's report .

  7. 如果贡品迟到了,将被重罚。

    If the tribute is late , you will be severely punished .

  8. 我以我的人民的名义,接受你的贡品。

    In the name of my people , I accept the tribute .

  9. 把寺庙的贡品带给他们,指引他们到这里来。

    To bring them tribute from the temple to guide them here .

  10. 你应该知道纸张贡品的重要性。

    You surely know how important the paper tribute is .

  11. 它的脂肪也被用作敬奉神的贡品

    and yak butter is used as an offering to the gods .

  12. 这一次胜利者可以获得三倍的贡品。

    This time the winner could obtain triple tributes .

  13. 因此我们得派远征军去收取贡品。

    An expedition , therefore , must be sent to collect that tribute .

  14. 他们将用手推车转载贡品。

    They would use trolleys to carry the tributes .

  15. 胜利者得意洋洋,因为失败者必须进贡贡品。

    The winner was triumphant because the loser must pay tribute to it .

  16. 人们把贡品放在州长面前。

    The people put the tributes before the governor .

  17. 贡品迟到了谁受的损失最大?

    Who suffers most if the tribute is lost ?

  18. 他们正在给灶王爷提供贡品。

    They are offering sacrifice to the Kitchen God .

  19. 盛放礼物或贡品以供奉上帝的一个高台。

    A raised structure on which gifts or sacrifices to a God are made .

  20. 在贡次、贡使逗留时间及贡品数量、质量上都受到更多的优待。

    Korea was treated better in the waiting time and quantity or quality of goods .

  21. 历史上的皇家用料是该地区的一大贡品。

    The history of the Royal materials is one of the region 's large tribute .

  22. 从而得出,在唐中后期,尤其是唐后期,江南道的贡品,无论是从品种上还是数量上,要远远多于关内道,形成这种情况的原因是由唐后期南方经济的发展所决定的。

    This phenomenon is determined by the development of economy south in late Tang Dynasty .

  23. 历史上,发菜曾是进奉皇帝的贡品。

    In the past , long thread moss was offered to emperors as a tribute .

  24. 交租封建时代佃农向领主缴纳或提供的贡品、劳役或租税。

    Tribute , service , or rent paid by a feudal tenant to a lord .

  25. “哦,真好!”她捡起当天的贡品。

    " Why , how nice !" she would pick up the offering of the day .

  26. 御茶枕系列之贡品御茶茶枕,系原生态健康睡眠产品。

    The royal tea pillow series on tea tea pillow , herb of ecological health products .

  27. 我的祭祀贡品跳入岩浆

    My sacrifice goes into volcano .

  28. 把酒供奉给卡利女神,然后把酒视为她的贡品来喝,是一种神圣的饮料。

    Offer it to Kali , and then take it as Her prasad , as consecrated drink .

  29. 戴尔小姐的在场象燃烧的细长蜡烛照亮了装贡品的碟子一样使他容光焕发。

    The presence of Miss Dale illuminated him as the burning taper lights up the consecrated plate .

  30. 作为贡品,它是地方产品中具有代表性的,且质量也是最好的。

    The contribution , as the representative in the local product , the quantity also is best .