
  1. 晚清地方势力借助洋人发展自己的势力,当清政府对外宣战的时候,违背中央的旨意与列强达成了“东南互保”的协议。

    When the Qing government declared the war against the big powers and signed the agreement of " Joint Defence of Southeast ", which violated the emperor 's edict .

  2. 东南互保是晚治政治生活中的一桩重大事件,在中国近代史上也有着一定的影响。

    " mutual protection in southeast china " is a significant incident in the late period in Qing dynasty political history , and also have certain influence in chinese modern history .

  3. 东南互保时期两湖地区教案研究评林则徐对两湖盐务的整顿及其成效

    A Study on Anti-Christian Cases in Hunan and Hubei Region during the Period of " the South-East Mutual Protection " On Lin Zexu 's Reorganizing of Salt Trade Order and His Success

  4. 长江流域教案较多,这是教会势力比较强大、会党活动频繁,以及东南互保的影响所致。

    Cases happened in Yangtze River valley was not few , which is caused by powerful church force , the frequent struggles of the secret primitive societies and the influence of east-south protecting mutually .

  5. 列强因相互牵制,出于保护自己在华尤其在长江流域利益的考虑,对东南督抚的互保建议,给予了热烈回应。

    Powers by restraining each other , out to protect themselves , especially in the Yangtze River in China , interest considerations , the Governor of the southeast , ask a mutual insurance proposals to give the enthusiastic response .