
  • 网络the principle of contribution
  1. 针对以上三种不同类型的就业歧视,主张按照贡献原则进行就业权的分配,在基本就业权领域实行完全平等分配;

    In the light of the three types of employment discrimination , it is advised that the employment right should be distributed according to the principle of contribution . It should be distributed equally and completely in the field of basic employment right ;

  2. 他的差别原则忽视了互惠理念中包含的贡献原则,导致了一种按公民资格分配的观念,此为差别原则难以被人们接受的一个主要原因。

    His difference principle neglects that the idea of reciprocity contains the principle of contribution , and leads to a conception of distribution based on the entitlement of citizens . I take for this as the main reason that people do not accept his difference principle .

  3. 企业价值评估的原则包括工作原则和经济性原则,经济性原则主要归纳为预期收益原则、供求原则、贡献原则、替代原则和估价日原则等。

    The enterprise valuation principle includes the work principle and the economic principle .

  4. 真正的公正原则只有贡献原则(包括德才原则)。

    Real justice principle is contribution principle ( including merit and ability principle ) .

  5. 我们认为,相机财务治理的本质是财权在贡献原则和风险原则条件下动态配置,是贡献最大或者受到风险最大的财务主体通过获取财务控制权来保障自己利益的机制。

    Contingent financial governance is a mechanism that the financial bodies who is the largest contributor or is most at risk acquires the financial control to protect their own interests .

  6. 第五节,阐释了结果公正的概念,点明实现结果公正要以贡献原则和补偿原则为指导;

    Section Five explains the concept of the result fair , and points out that the realization of the result fair is guided by the contribution rule and the compensation rule ;

  7. 国家一般将自然资源开发权和排污权分配给企业,分配原则首先是按照贡献原则,其次是德才原则。

    State distributes development right and discharge right ( two use rights ) to enterprises . The distribution principles is contribution principle firstly , and then merit and ability principle secondly .

  8. 首先分析了宗地地价评估中应遵守的替代原则、预期收益原则、最有效使用原则、报酬递增递减原则、需求与供给原则、贡献原则和变动原则,为宗地地价评估指明方向;

    The common principal of land price appraisal include the Replacing Principal , the Income Principal , the Most Efficient Use Principal , the Demand and Supply Principal and so on .

  9. 实行ESOP的原则通常有三点:参与原则、有限原则、按贡献分配原则。

    The fundamental principals of ESOP have three points : participation , limitation and distribution according to contribution .

  10. 产权制度与按要素贡献分配原则

    Property Rights System and the Distribution Principle According to the Factors Contribution

  11. 本文对按贡献分配原则的涵义进行了解释并对其正义性进行了论证。

    It defines the meaning of the principle of distribution according to contribution and demonstrates its justice .

  12. 按生产要素贡献分配原则,是社会主义分配原则的创新。

    Distributing labour products according to the factors of production is the innovation of socialistic distribution principle .

  13. 据此,管理公正应该包含人性化原则、机会平等原则、按贡献分配原则、调剂原则和整体利益原则。

    Accordingly , the author proposes that the management justice should include such five basic principles as humanization , equal opportunity , distribution according to contribution , redistribution , and whole interest .

  14. 本文还运用LINGO线性规划工具,对山东航空全年飞行小时在各个月度之间的分配按照边际贡献最大化原则进行重新优化,用于指导飞行资源的合理安排和与收益的匹配。

    This article also uses the LINGO linear planning tools , Shandong Airlines annual flying hours between each monthly allocation in accordance with the principle of maximizing the contribution margin for re-optimization , used to guide the flight of resources reasonable arrangements and benefits to match .

  15. 论生产要素按贡献分配的原则

    On the Principle of Distribution in Accordance with Contribution

  16. 其不仅不符合按劳分配的原则,也不符合按要素贡献分配的原则。

    Not only inconsistent with the principle of distribution according to work , does not conform to the principle of element contribution allocated .

  17. 社会主义初级阶段的正义有四项基本内容:政治地位平等原则,机会平等原则,非基本权利与贡献完全平等原则,集体与个人关系辩证统一原则。

    For fundamental aspects consist of justice in socialist primary stage : Equality principle of political status , equality principle of opportunities , absolute equality principle of collective and individual .

  18. 确立各种生产要素按贡献参与分配的原则,完善分配制度

    Upholding the Principle That Production Factors Participate in the Distribution of Income in Accordance with Their Respective Contributions

  19. 今天,我们发展社会主义市场经济,要求确立劳动、资本、技术和管理等生产要素按贡献参与分配的原则。

    Today under the situation of developing the socialist market economy , we must establish the distribution law based on the labour , the capital , the technology and the management .

  20. 生产要素按贡献参与分配的原则,不是指分配方式,而是属于分配方式的具体实现形式的问题。

    The principle that elements of production take a share in distribution based on their contribution does not lie in type of distribution , but in the issue of specific realization form of distribution .

  21. 盈余价值在人力资本所有者和物力资本所有者之间分配应当遵循激励约束原则、博弈原则和价值贡献与分配均衡原则,分为两部分在人力资本所有者和物力资本所有者之间分配。

    Earning value distribution between human capital owner and the owner of material capital should be divided into two parts by following incentive-restraint principle , game principle , the principle of distribution balance and value contribution .

  22. 党的十六大明确提出确立劳动、资本、技术和管理等生产要素按贡献参与分配的原则。

    The 16 th Congress of CCPCC put forward that " establishing the productive key elements like labor , capital , technology , management and others should in accordance with the principle of contribution participating into distribution " .

  23. 作为第三个发展阶段的科学成果,“按贡献参与分配”原则的提出,已经完成了马克思按劳分配理论与我国社会主义初级阶段现实的真正科学的有机结合。

    The principle of Distribution According to Contribution Participation , the third developing period , has accomplished the really scientific combination between Marxism theory of distribution according to work and the reality of primary stage of Chinese socialism .

  24. 薪酬分配制度改革,要确立劳动、资本、技术和管理等生产要素按贡献参与分配的原则,建立具有市场竞争力和多种发展通道的分配制度。

    Reformation of the salary payment distribution system should establish distribution principle that production factors of labor , capital , technique and management participate in distribution according to the contribution , establish the distribution system with market competitive power and varied developing channels .

  25. 根据区域可行性和对发展目标贡献度最大的原则,发展生态农业和生态型农产品加工业是今后陇东地区区域协调发展的关键突破口;

    According to the principles of the biggest feasibility and the greatest contributions to the goals in Longdong area , development of eco-agriculture and eco-processing industries of agricultural products should be put in the first place as a key to the breakthrough of regional sustainable development .