
dǐ jià
  • base price;floor price;minimum price;bottom line
底价[dǐ jià]
  1. 银行会设定底价,但他们尚未通知我。

    The bank will set the minimum price but they haven 't instructed me on that yet .

  2. 库珀迄今仍不清楚,掌控水门饭店所有权的银行会提出多高的底价。

    He did not yet know what minimum price would be sought by the owner bank .

  3. 只要达到了拍卖底价,标的物就会出售给出价最高的竞买人。

    The sale will be made to the highest bidder subject to a reserve price being attained .

  4. 有不公开底价英式拍卖的非时齐Markov链模型

    The model of non-homogeneous Markov chain for England auction with non-open reserve price

  5. 有底价的英式拍卖的Markov链模型及成交概率

    The Markov Chain Model of England Auction on Having Reserve Price and Transaction Probability

  6. 他1974年买了一本全新的首版精装本,两年前在ebay上以900英镑的底价卖掉了它。

    He bought the first hardback edition new in 1974 and sold it two years ago on eBay for his reserve price of 900 .

  7. 克里斯蒂拍卖行在伦敦南肯辛顿(SouthKensington)也开始尝试这种无底价拍卖,尤其是在针对新一代刚刚安家的年轻人的星期天拍卖会上。

    Christie 's South Kensington is also experimenting with no-reserve auctions , especially in its Sunday sales , which are aimed at a new generation of young nest builders .

  8. 几年后,它又有可能收购Facebook,这家公司目前的价值已经超过2000亿美元,当时标价仅10亿美元,但雅虎的底价是8.5亿美元。

    Years later , it could have had Facebook , which is now valued at more than $ 200 billion , for $ 1 billion . Yahoo drew the line at $ 850 million .

  9. 通过分析我国证券市场的实际情况,提出上市公司实施管理层收购(MBO)有四个必要条件:目标公司以每股净资产为底价;

    By analyzing the present situation of stock markets in China , the essay puts forward four prerequisites in implementing MBO for listed companies : The target company 's base price is NAPS ;

  10. 首先要指出的是,通用汽车(GeneralMotors)为MalibuEco研发的轻度混合动力系统为它拿到了不少分数,它不仅改善了性能和油耗,价格也比较合理(底价25995美元)。

    To begin with , General Motors ( GM , Fortune 500 ) gets heaps of points for developing a mild hybrid system for the Malibu eco that aims to deliver improved performance and better gas mileage at a reasonable price ( base : $ 25,995 ) .

  11. 凡高的画因出价未达拍卖底价而收回

    The van gogh fail to reach its reserve and is withdraw

  12. 财务人员告诉我这是底价。

    My money people tell me this is our bottom line .

  13. 他说底价是1美元。

    He said $ 1.00 was the rock bottom price .

  14. 这是小包邮件的底价吗?

    Is there the minimum charge for the parcel post ?

  15. 2012款本田思域混动版的底价为24050美元,远高于标准汽油版的20505美元。

    Base price for a 2012 hybrid is $ 24,050 .

  16. 好,五百块钱,这可是我的底价了。

    OK . $ 500 , but that 's my last offer .

  17. 这是我的底价,要不要随你的便。

    That 's my final price , take it or leave it .

  18. 无底价招标&降低地铁工程造价的有效措施

    Bidding without Bottom Price : An Effective Measure for Reducing Costs in Metro Construction

  19. 到明天再说你的底价。

    Wait till tomorrow to make your offer .

  20. 抱歉,可是我的底价是三千元。

    B : I 'm sorry , but my bottom line is $ 3000 .

  21. 这已经是我们的批发底价了。

    They are our bottom wholesale prices .

  22. 帕图的顾客大都是农民,他们享受政府制定的粮食底价。

    Chengalpattu 's shoppers are mostly farmers who benefit from government-fixed floor prices for crops .

  23. 金:恐怕不行,12.50美元是我们的底价。

    Kim : I 'm afraid we can 't. $ 12.50 is our rock bottom price .

  24. 这是我们的底价。

    That 's our bottom price .

  25. 该镍矿目前市值估价对买方非常有利,处于很具吸引力的底价价位;

    Current market valuation estimates for this operational going concern regarded as highly attractive bargain basement levels ;

  26. 当参加投标的那些投标人的底价出现时,标价将立即公开。

    Bids will be opened immediately offer the deadline in presence of bidders'representatives who choose to attend .

  27. 如何科学评估国有土地使用权挂牌底价,是国有土地使用权以挂牌方式出让工作中极为重要的环节。

    How to scientifically estimate the basic price is very important in nominal quotation of land use right .

  28. 关于这个底价,我们要求以美元来支付。

    As far as the base price is concerned , we want to do it in US dollars .

  29. 该公司就是因无底价拍卖而出的名。

    Ritchie is co-founder of Ritchie Bros Auctioneers , of Canada , which made its name on unreserved auctions .

  30. 设置一张浇头表,其中每个浇头都有一个名称和一个底价。

    You 'll set up a Toppings table in which each topping has a name and a base price .