
dǐ bǎn
  • floor;baseplate;baseboard;footwall
底板[dǐ bǎn]
  1. 主机移放到机座后拆除运输底座,安装好线条板底板,将螺丝千斤顶按安装位置安放,将主机按坐标和标高就位到离地面100mm。

    Remove the transport seat pads when the engine is shifted on the engine base , install the line plate baseboard , and place the screw jacks according to the installation position .

  2. 软土地基油罐底板变形分析

    Deformation Analysis of Oil Tank Baseboard Standing on Soft Soil Foundation

  3. 小轿车内底板上满是烟蒂。

    The floor of the car was covered in cigarette ends .

  4. 给出了侧墙和底板脉动压力强度系数K的表达式;

    The expression of pressure fluctuation intensity coefficient K was given .

  5. GIS支持下的煤矿底板突水预报研究

    Study on Predicting Water Invasion from Floor Plate of Coal Mine with the Aid of GIS

  6. 煤层底板突水脆弱性评价的GIS与ANN耦合技术

    Vulnerability forecasting model based on coupling technique of GIS and ANN in floor groundwater bursting

  7. 基于PCI总线的共享内存底板网络

    Shared - memory Backplane Network Based on PCI Bus

  8. 钻孔见矿顶底板坐标计算及VB程序设计

    Calculation and VB Programming about Coordinates of Top and Bottom Plate of Borehole Discovery

  9. 底板岩层变形破坏过程中混沌性态的Lyapunov指数描述研究

    Lyapunov exponent of chaos feature in the processing of deformation failure for coal floor

  10. 电阻率CT法探测技术能够对工作面底板含水体进行有效探测,因而具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    The resistivity computerized tomography ( CT ) technique is of important theoretical and realistic significance because it can detect the water-bearing bodies in the floor of working face .

  11. CCTV主楼底板复杂钢筋与特殊钢结构交叉施工技术

    Crossed Construction Technology of Complicated Steel Reinforcement and Special Steel Structure in CCTV Main Building Bedplate

  12. 为了消除超大不锈钢焊接底板的残余应力,研究了采用振动时效(VSR)的方法消除焊接残余应力。

    The process of vibratory stress relief ( VSR ) is discussed to reduce the residual stresses after welding of stainless steel plate .

  13. 硬件采用核心板加底板的设计方案。核心板处理器采用FPGA,使切换通道具有更高的灵活性和可靠性。

    The hardware part utilizes the structure of core board plus bottom board , where core board processor employed the FPGA for a better flexibility and reliability .

  14. 底板临界破坏深度为5m;应力集中系数为1.25。

    The floor critical failure depth is 5 meters and the stress concentration factor is 1.25 .

  15. 电路采用全差分结构、底板采样、开关栅电压自举(bootstrap)和高性能的增益自举运算放大器。

    This circuit uses full differential circuits , bottom-plate sampling , bootstrap circuits and high performance gain-booster operational amplifier .

  16. 第一次电导跃变后形成的金属相是超导的,其Tc随底板温度不同而不同。

    ( c ) Superconducting transition temperature of the phase formed after first jump of the conductance is different along with different temperatures of the substrate .

  17. 低温底板的温度可调节在10~300K之间。

    The temperature of condenser can be regulated between 10 ~ 300K .

  18. 在室温底板上制备的Mo-Re合金及Re薄膜的超导性质

    Superconducting properties of mo-re alloys and re thin films prepared on room temperature substrate

  19. 设计应用程序的主程序时使用程序框架或底板,这些程序框架或底板在运行时选择性地装入所需的dll,这些dll位于磁盘上同主程序分离的一些文件中。

    The application 's main program is designed with a framework or backplane that optionally loads the required dlls at runtime where the dlls are in files separate from the main application on the disk .

  20. 探测结果表明,新建挡土墙底板下,测线3~10m和27~39m区间,未见明显渗漏隐患,墙下土层基本密实和均匀;

    The detecting results indicate that the soil under retaining wall between 3-10 m and 27-39 m is uniform and compact , without leakage .

  21. 为了探讨岩墙在底板围岩破坏及突水中所起的作用,采用ADINA有限元模拟分析了工作面开采的过程。

    For studying the effect of rock wall on the destruction of floor surrounding rock and outbursting water , analyze the full mining process with ADINA finite element simulated analysis .

  22. 研究结果表明,波形钢腹板PC组合箱梁的混凝土顶板和底板主要承担弯矩,波形钢腹板则主要承担剪力。试验结果为实桥的设计和建造提供了重要的资料。

    The results of test study indicate that the concrete top and bottom slabs of the girder mainly withstand bending moment while the corrugated steel webs withstand shear force , and the results also provide important data for the design and construction of actual bridges of similar kind .

  23. 介绍了振动时效技术在HT-7U超导托卡马克核聚变大底板、真空装置等能源工程中的应用。

    The technology of vibratory stress relief ( VSR ) used in energy engineering , such as HT-7U nuclear fusion superconducting Tokamak massive base plate and vacuum vessel was introduced .

  24. 报道了利用一种钢质模具在PVC底板上制作一次性碳质膜电极的新方法,并在此基础上探讨了影响该膜电极制备及其电化学特性的一些物理因素和化学因素。

    A novel method for fabricating disposable carbon film electrode by using a steel mould in PVC soleplate is put forward . Based on this idea , some physical and chemical factors , which have the effect on preparation and electrochemical traits of electrodes , are discussed .

  25. 深圳华为科研中心地库底板工程中应用了混凝土膨胀剂UEA-H。

    The UEA-H concrete expansion admixture was used in massive base plate of underground structure of Huawei Scientific Research Center .

  26. 矿床水平高构造应力对矿床底板及其边坡稳定性具有不良影响,矿床开采掘面轴线走向应沿N70°E方向布设趋佳;

    The high level tectonic stress exerts negative influence on the stability of the mine bed and its slope , and the excavation should be arranged in the direction of N70 ° E for convenience .

  27. 参照美国API650和日本JISB8501设计规范制订了4种结构设计方案,计算得到各方案中壁板应力与底板应力大小,并进行相互比较。

    Four different structural design proposals were made according to design criterions of API 650 and JIS B 8501 , in each proposals stress calculations were done and the results were compared .

  28. 牡丹江市污水处理厂直径45m的二次沉淀池,施工中底板采用设置加强带取代后浇带,保证了混凝土连续浇注的质量;

    In construction of the second deposition pond , whose diameter is 45m , of Mudanjiang Waste Water Processing Factory , strengthening zones was adopted in the bottom board to substitute late grouting zones to ensure the quality of continuously grouted concrete .

  29. 阐述了在冬季施工一设计为C35、P12抗渗混凝土基础底板的施工工艺,施工时正值冬季,施工时对厚度大于等于1m的底板不掺防冻剂。

    The construction process of C35 、 P12 leakage resistance concrete base floor in winter is expounded . Because of winter , the frostbite prevention agent isn 't seeped in floor when the floor is large or equal to 1m thick .

  30. 地基共同作用根据winkler地基模型假定,在有限元模型中通过弹簧支座进行模拟,通过弹簧支座的刚度变化来反应地基刚度的不同、通过底板厚度变化来反应底板刚度不同。

    According to Winkler foundation model assumption that the common role of the foundation is simulated through the spring of bearings in the finite element model , spring bearing stiffness changes in response to the different stiffness of the foundation , floor thickness changes in response to different floor stiffness .