
  • 网络demersal fish;benthic fishes;Bottom fish
  1. 应用水声方法考察底栖鱼类和DSL(深海散射层)的垂直移动

    A practical . investigation on demersal fish and DSL rhythmic vertical migration by acoustic method

  2. 黄海乳山湾的鱼类有40科69种,以暖温性底栖鱼类为主,并以底栖生物食性的鱼为最多。

    69 species of 40 families of fishes are found in Rushan Bay . THey are mainly warm-water benthic fishes and those which prey on benthos are the most abundant .

  3. 利用彩色显示回声探测仪在南海北部水域中测到的图象进行调查底栖鱼类和DSL的垂直移动;

    This paper is based on photographs which were detected by a colour-sounder surveying demersal fishes and DSL rhythmic vertical migration in the northern part ' area of South China Sea .

  4. 圆斑星鲽(Veraspervariegatus)属冷温性大型底栖鱼类,是一种味道鲜美的高级食用鱼类。

    Spotted halibut ( Verasper variegatus ), as a cold-temperate macrobenthos , is high-level edible fish with delicious taste .

  5. 厦门港湾底栖鱼类群落结构的基本特征及其季节差异

    Essential characteristics and their seasonal variations of community structure of demersal fishes in the Xiamen Harbour

  6. 这个物种少年成员由捕食底栖鱼类,包括品种,但不限于鲉,卡韦松,沙低音。

    Juvenile members of this species are preyed upon by a variety of benthic fishes , including , but not limited to , scorpionfish , cabezon , sand bass , and rockfishes .

  7. 底栖性鱼类比游泳性鱼类的δ13C相对高。

    Benthic fishes have higher 13C than nektonic fishes .

  8. 黄鲷是底栖性鱼类,具较高的经济价值和观赏价值。

    Yellow porgy Taius tumifrons is a demersal fish with higher economic and admiring viewing values .

  9. 以乌江中上游设置的4个采样点所采集的4种底栖性鱼类为材料,进行取样测试,研究了鱼体含汞量差异。

    The present study is to investigate the differences of mercury contents among four species of benthic fishes collected from four sample localities in the middle upper reaches of Wujiang River in the paper .

  10. 海洋动物体中重金属含量为底栖动物大于鱼类;

    The heavy metal contents in the benthons were higher than the fish ;

  11. 大型底栖动物和鱼类是山地河流生态系统的重要组成部分,对河流生境的变化最为敏感。

    Macroinvertebrate and fish , which is sensitive to river habitat variation , were important component of mountain river ecosystem .

  12. 结果表明厦门东海域至少有鱼类242种,隶属于19个目81科145属,主要是沿岸近底层和底栖的小型鱼类。

    The result showed that there was 242 species of fishes in this area at least , which belong to 19 orders , 81 families and 145 genuses .

  13. 着重阐述了系统本身特性中的生态指标,列举了以着生藻类、底栖无脊椎动物和鱼类为指示生物的评价方法。

    The paper also emphasized the zoology index that belongs to ecosystem instinctual characteristic and introduced the estimate methods that used algae , benthic invertebrate and fish as indicator .