
  • 网络Primer;base coat;base oil;basecoat
  1. 平滑底油,防断裂,强化剂,增长护理,超亮面油。

    Smoothing Base Coat , Resists Breaking , Bio-Strengthener , Growth Treatment , Mega Gloss Top coat .

  2. Converter塔底油裂化助剂在催化裂化装置上的应用

    Application of Converter additive for bottom oil cracking in fluidized-bed catalytic cracking unit

  3. 大庆石化公司炼油厂一套常减压装置应用aspenplus流程模拟技术,解决了停减压系统后,原油换后温度和初底油换后温度能否满足工艺要求这一难题。

    The problem of temperature has been solved to meet the process requirement after switching the crude oil and the initial bottoms when shutting down the vacuum system by applying the ASPEN PLUS Process Simulation Technology in the first train of atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit .

  4. GC定量结果表明,已定性的化合物占底油总量的91.14%,其中芳烃占42.97%,不饱和烃占45.31%,为乙烯底油的综合利用,提供了分析方法和依据。

    The quantitative result by GC showed that the total content of these compounds in residual oil is 91.14 % , in which the aromatic hydrocabon is 42.97 % , unsaturated hydrocarbon is 45.31 % . An analyrical method and data for comprehensive untilization of the residual oil were provided .

  5. HC-1高效金属切削液是以合成塔底油副产物为基料,经多元配伍而成。

    The HC-1 high-efficiency metallic cutting liquid is made up of the byproduct of synthetical tower oil , and comes into form by several ways .

  6. 结果表明,膜通量在14h内系统压力参数稳定,过滤前后理化指标没有明显变化,细菌总数降低,并确定当料液浓缩倍数为5时,是罐底油排渣的最佳时机。

    It showed that the flux attenuation was stable within 14 h. There were no significant changes in physicochemical properties before and after filtration . Total bacteria quantity was reduced .

  7. 分析研究气藏的水驱能量,认为JZ20-2凝析气田无论中高点气藏还是南高点气藏,水驱能量都十分有限,属带底油和底水的定容封闭式凝析气藏。

    We 've come to the conclusion that there is limited water-drive energy in the middle and south high of Jinzhou 20-2 condensate field . It is a sealed condensate reservoir with both bottom oil and water .

  8. 错流膜过滤设备在罐底油上的应用

    Application of cross flow filtration on residual oil in tank

  9. 分析了影响均三甲苯塔底油循环使用的因素。

    The factors influencing the usage of bottom oil of1,3,5-trimethylbenzene tower were analyzed .

  10. 在底油加上四层经阁下挑选调配的颜色面油,使表面回复磁质光泽。

    Apply four coats of the custom coloured top coat for shine and brilliance .

  11. 催化裂化分馏塔底油浆系统改造

    Upgrading of Catalytic Cracking Fractionator Slurry System

  12. 锅底留少许底油,爆香蒜末和菇丝,加入三椒丝翻炒片刻。

    Remain a bit of oil in the same skillet to stir fry the minced garlic and mushrooms until aromatic .

  13. 要选用冷压的底油以免底油里的维他命和有冶疗效用的脂肪酸受热而被破坏。

    Carrier oils should be cold pressed to ensure that vitamins and therapeutic fatty acids are not destroyed due to excessive heat .

  14. 强碱体系三元复合驱采出水油水分离特性及处理技术研究GB/T4795.4-1984船用舱底油污水分离装置电气控制箱技术条件

    Research on Oil / Water Separation Specialities and Disposal Technologies in ASP Flooding Produced Water ; Oiled water separating equipment & Electric control panel specificatio

  15. 介绍了中国石油辽阳石化分公司乙烯厂丙烯精馏塔塔底油-丙烷馏分油的精制工艺。

    Purification process of propane distillate oil , the bottom product of propylene rectifying column in the Ethylene Works of PetroChina Liaoyang Petrochemical Company , is introduced .

  16. 售卖香薰精油、花水、基础油、底油、香水瓶、饰物、精华素、洁面乳、唇膏、润手霜、纤体油等。

    Sells essential oil , carrier oil , base oil , floral water , hydrolate hydrosol , perfume bottle , body oil , hand cream , cleaning lotion .

  17. 锅内留1大勺底油,下姜翻炒出香味后,放入甜椒丁,红萝卜丁翻炒3-5分钟。

    Put 1 tablespoon of oil in the wok and stir-fry ginger until fragrant . Add in diced carrots and bell pepper and stir fry for 3-5 minutes .

  18. 针对重油或渣油催化裂化过程中所涉及的金属钝化剂和塔底油裂解助剂进行了讨论,其中金属钝化剂包括钝镍剂、钝钒剂及多功能钝化剂。

    Two kinds of additives for heavy oil or residue fluid catalytic cracking process including metal passivating agent ( nickel , vanadium and multifunctional metal ) and bottom cracking additive are discussed .

  19. 通过小型实验设备对罐底油进行了三相分离实验研究,分析了温度、分离转数等对分离效果的影响。

    Furthermore , the triple-phase separation experiments of the oil-water sludge with the pocket experimental equipment were carried out , and the influences of temperature and rotate speed on separation efficiency were analyzed .

  20. 包括常压蒸馏装置采用石脑油/喷气燃料/柴油方案将喷气燃料轻拔和减少塔底油中<350℃馏分含量;

    The production plan of naphtha / jet fuel / diesel fuel has been taken in the atmospheric vacuum distillation , which includes lightening the jet fuel and minimizing the < 350 ℃ fraction in column bottoms .

  21. 锅内留点底油,加入橙果汁炒匀,用调稀湿淀粉勾薄芡,后加一点点刚才炸鱼的油,勺起淋上排好的鱼上即成。

    Leave a little oil in the wok , pour in the orange juice , thicken it with very little cornstarch , sprinkle with a few drops of fried oil , then spread the sauce over the fish fillets .

  22. 介绍了罐底油的现状及罐底油中渣颗粒和油滴及水在离心力场中的运动规律、受力情况,建立了相应的物理模型;

    The current situation of oil-water sludge , the movement rule of and the forces on the solid impurity particles , oil drops and water of the oil-water sludge in centrifugal force field were introduced , and relevant physical models were established .

  23. 曼型煤气柜柜底飘油回收方法的分析与实践

    Analysis and Practice of the Bottom Floating Oil Recovery Method of Mann Type Gas-holder

  24. 谈4135型柴油机油底壳油面静态显示器的研制

    Discourse on develop static state indicator of the 4135 type diesel oil sump lubricant surface

  25. 摩托车发动机油底壳贮油量的选取

    Selection of Oil Quantity in Oil Pan for Motorcycle Engine

  26. 丙烯精馏塔塔底丙烷馏分油的精制

    Purification of Propane Distillate Oil , the Bottom Product of Propylene Rectifying Column

  27. 莺歌海盆地中央底辟带油气成藏条件分析

    Analysis on hydrocarbon pool forming condition of central diapiric zone in Yinggehai Sea Basin

  28. 根据催化裂化装置的要求,介绍了塔底泵(油浆泵)的结构特点,重点阐述了油浆泵水力及结构设计的关键技术。

    Structure features of slurry pump are expounded together with key technology of structure design .

  29. 移除油底壳放油塞,放油到一个干净桶内,持续30分钟。

    Remove the sump plug fitting , drain oil to a clean bucket for30 minutes .

  30. 油底壳放油塞座焊接夹具设计和装配要点

    Important Points on Design and the Assembly of Welding Jig for Oil Drain Plug Seat in Oil Sump