
  1. 爆破地震波作用下底框结构的非线性动力分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Hydrid Masonry-concrete Structures Encountering the Blasting Seismic Wave

  2. 钢筋混凝土桁架在较大跨度底框结构中的应用

    Application of the Stell-concrete braced frame in mid - span frame structure

  3. 底框结构剪力墙设计中的若干问题

    Several issues in the design of shear wall of bottom frame structure

  4. 底框结构设计中侧向刚度的计算问题

    Calculation of Lateral - stiffness of Bottom-layer Frame Structures

  5. 底框结构中带暗支撑剪力墙抗震设计研究

    Study on seismic design of shear walls with concealed bracing in frame-masonry structures

  6. 砖混改底框结构托换中的变形分析与控制研究

    Research of Deformation Analysis and Deformation Control for Brick Masonry Structure Reformed Bottom-frame Structure

  7. 底框结构基础橡胶垫隔震设计及其时程分析

    Design and Dynamic Analysis of Ground Frame shear Wall with Rubber Vibration isolation Base

  8. 两层底框结构第二层侧移刚度的计算方法

    Calculating Methods On Second Floor 's Lateral Stiffness of the Two Stories Frame-shear Wall Structure

  9. 钢板-砖砌体组合结构托换改造技术及应用砖混改底框结构托换中的变形控制研究

    Research and practice on underpinning deformation for the brick masonry structure modified to bottom-frame structure

  10. 底框结构商住楼基础隔震设计

    Base Isolation Design of a Brick Masonry Residence Building Supported with Frame - Shear Wall

  11. 底框结构中协调扭转引起框架梁开裂的分析计算

    Analysis of the crack in the frame gird of a basement-frame structure subjected to coordinated torsion

  12. 计算中对底框结构采用空间杆系模型,对隔震装置采用双线性弹簧模拟。

    Beam-column elements modal and bilinear spring is used to describe the mechanic character of bottom frame structure .

  13. 在水平侧向力作用下移动式起重机倾覆稳定性的验算方法底框结构在倾覆力矩作用下附加轴力的计算

    Calculation for the extra normal force of column of masonry structure with ground frame acted by seismic overturning moment

  14. 一类模糊神经网络方法在底框结构抗震性能预测中的应用

    Application of a Kind of Fuzzy Neural Network Method in Prediction of Seismic Performance for the Frame Structure of Bottom Story

  15. 结果表明,该方法对底框结构抗震性能预测效果较好,适宜于该类结构方案选择时应用。

    The result shows that this method has better effect for prediction of the seismic property for the frame structure of bottom story and is suitable for application in the scheme selection of this kind of structure .

  16. 根据底商建筑采用底框结构存在的一些问题介绍采用全砖混结构获得的成功经验,并从建筑、结构、构造入手,对其设计方法做了具体介绍。

    This paper based on the questions for frame of ground flour and the succeed experience for mixed structure of the building marked of ground flour , its design method is clearly introduced from the aspect of building , structure and construction .

  17. 大量震害表明构造合理的框架结构的抗震性能要优于一般砌体结构及底框结构,且具有空间布置灵活、使用方便的优点,得到了普遍应用。

    A large number of earthquake damage that constructing a reasonable frame structure seismic performance is superior to the the general masonry structure and the bottom frame structure and with space layout flexibility , It has the advantages of easy-to-use , have been widely used .

  18. 作者根据自己多年的工作经验,详细地论述了底框结构在建筑开发中经常遇到的结构模式应注意的要点,同时提出了对底层框架砖混结构抗震设计方面建议。

    Combining work experience for many yeats , authors discuss the models of substrate , frame structure used in building , main points to be paid attention to , and make suggestions in the design resisting to earthquake for substrate frame structure made of brick .

  19. 底框砖房结构设计中的若干问题剖析

    Analysis on Some Problems in Structure Design of Fundus Frame Brick House

  20. 底框住宅结构设计

    Talking about Structural Design of Residence with Bottom Frame

  21. 底框砌体结构层间隔震计算模型及地震反应分析

    Calculation Model and Seismic Analysis of Story Isolation Masonry Building with Frame Structure at Lower Stories

  22. 简要介绍了底框住宅结构的设计特点。

    This paper briefly introduces the design features of the structure of the residence with bottom frame .

  23. 底框砌体结构由于底层空间较大,作为沿街商业用房,应用广泛,但抗震性能差,汶川地震震害已充分证实了这一点。

    Masonry building with bottom frames is widely applied as commercial building along the street due to its large bottom space , but the poor seismic performance has also been fully confirmed in Wenchuan earthquake .

  24. 因此本文以爆炸发生在底框砌体结构2层某房间为例,采用ANSYS/LS-DYNA瞬态动力学分析程序对防爆墙的破坏过程及整体结构响应进行数值模拟。

    So in this paper , the destruction process which was provoked by explosive shock wave acting on the second storey of the masonry buildings with bottom frames was simulated by using transient dynamics analysis of ANSYS / LS-DYNA .

  25. 本文对旧有底框砖混结构建筑,分别采用三种加固方案,分析三种加固方案对结构的影响,根据分析结果为底框砖混结构加固提出建议。

    According to the results of analysis , this paper proposes suggestions of engineering practice . ( 5 ) The responses of old brick masonry building with frame structure at lower stories were respectively analyzed by three reinforced scheme .

  26. 建立平面底框砖混结构有限元分析模型,在多遇地震作用下,研究分析上部墙体居中开洞对底框砖混结构的影响。

    The responses of brick masonry building with frame structure at lower Stories were analyzed under frequent earthquake influenced by upper middle wall openings . ( 4 ) The brick masonry building with frame structure at lower stories plane and space finite element analysis model is established .

  27. 底框&砖混结构抗震设计中几个问题的探讨

    The underframe-brick mixes in the structure earthquake resistance design several questions discussion

  28. 底框多层砌体结构地震破坏过程仿真及分析

    Simulation analysis of collapse response of masonry structures with bottom frame under earthquake

  29. 底框基础隔震结构的三维非线性时程分析

    3-Dimensional Nonlinear Time History Analysis of Base-isolated Masonry Structure with Concrete Frames at Lower Two Stories

  30. 底框上砖混结构中连续托梁的设计探讨

    Discussion of design on continuous supporting beam in brick - house with frame on ground floor