
  • 网络gondola
  1. 几乎每个去威尼斯的游客都想坐上贡多拉船欣赏一下这个水上王国的魅力。

    Nearly every visitor to Venice wants to enjoy a gondola ride while visiting the city .

  2. 埃文船行提供世界上最古老的贡多拉,在平缓的河水上划行让人心旷神怡。

    Avon Boating provides the world 's oldest working gondola , a calming experience as you glide along the gentle waters .

  3. 建造贡多拉的船厂只有三个,去中最著名的是SquerodiSanTrovaso。

    Gondolas are built at one of just three remaining boatyards , of which the Squero di San Trovaso is the most famous .

  4. 贡多拉是一种狭长的小船,类似于我们的龙舟船。

    A narrow small boat similar to our dragon boat .

  5. 所有的贡多拉船都被技术精湛的工人建造得一模一样。

    All gondolas are built in the same manner by experienced builders ,

  6. 贡多拉游船沿运河表演焰火和马术

    Fireworks , rides along the canal in gondolas ,

  7. 贡多拉船由280个不同的部件组成。

    they are composed of 280 separate pieces .

  8. 贡多拉曾经是威尼斯运河上主要的水上运输工具。

    Gondolas were once the chief form of transportation through the canals of Venice .

  9. 到了16世纪,贡多拉被装饰得很花哨,但最后法律禁止这样招摇的装饰。

    In the 16th century , they had become so covered with ornamentation that a law eventually banned such ostentatiousness .

  10. 不要期待贡多拉会很便宜,特别是在旅游旺季,旺盛的需求会让贡多拉更贵。

    Don 't expect the ride to be cheap , especially during peak tourist season when the demand is great .

  11. 在明媚的春日,你可以效仿《威尼斯商人》里的场景,坐贡多拉小船去埃文河。

    On a fine spring day , you can emulate The Merchant of Venice and take to the River Avon by gondola .

  12. 贡多拉是威尼斯独特的水上运输船,贡多拉在威尼斯古代就开始流行,至今已近有几个世纪的历史了。

    A unique form of water transportation , the gondola has been used to carry passengers along Venice 's waterways for centuries .

  13. 乌篷船与贡多拉:东西方水乡舟文化与文学艺术之恋

    The Black Shaoxing Boat and Gondola : Boat Culture in the East and West Waterside Cities and Its Intimacy with Literature and Art

  14. 一些专家认为,贡多拉的历史可以追溯到公元7世纪,但多数人认为贡多拉开始的时间是公元1100年。为了在狭窄的运河里穿梭,以及在泥泞的浅滩上停泊,贡多拉从最开始出现到今天也有很多演变。

    Some experts believe gondolas date all the way back to the 7th century , but the most common belief is that they originated around 1100 .

  15. 这家小旅馆还提供一个令人舒适的水上出口,在此可以登上水上出租汽车和浪漫的贡多拉通过它天然的水来游览威尼斯。

    A distinguishing feature of this boutique hotel is its dock for water taxis and romantic gondolas , allowing guests to discover Venice from its natural element , the water .

  16. 威尼斯政府对贡多拉收费有相关规定,然而,经验丰富的游客会告诉你,很多船夫不会老老实实按规矩办事。

    Gondola rides are offered at a fixed cost set by the city government , though experienced travelers will tell you that many gondoliers do not always adhere to these costs .

  17. 每条船可以搭乘四人,但如果你们人多,可以租一条能坐下六人的贡多拉(每半小时30美元[约合人民币188元])。

    Each boat will fit up to four people , but if your group is larger , gondola rides are available for up to six people ( $ 30 for half an hour ) .

  18. 每艘船有两个桨手,像贡多拉一样,一个在船头,一个在所有乘客身后。如果你想像威尼斯人一样出行,那就忍受一下这趟短途旅程吧。

    Each boat is rowed by two oarsmen - one at the bow and one behind the passengers , as in a gondola - if you want to ride like a Venetian , stand for the short journey .

  19. 最开始的贡多拉设计了十二个桨手,几个世纪以后,贡多拉的体积小了很多,但有了船篷的设计。

    Designed to deal with the shallows and mud flats of the canals , early gondolas had 12 oars . A few centuries later , they were much smaller in size but had acquired a " felze " or cabin .