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  • 网络Ganlu Incident
  1. 唐代两篇《牡丹赋》与甘露之变

    Two Pieces of A Prosodic Prose of Peonies in the Tang Dynasty and the Ganlu Incident

  2. 甘露之变与刘禹锡后期诗歌创作

    Gan Lu Incident and Liu Yuxi 's Later-period Poetry Creation

  3. 李商隐对甘露之变的态度及其经验模式的形成

    Li shangyin ′ s attitude towards the Coup of Ganlu and formation of his experiential mode

  4. 甘露之变是关乎中晚唐政治格局之演变的重大政治事件,对当时士人心态造成重大的冲击和影响。

    The coup of Ganlu was a vital political event concerning the political pattern evolvement in the middle and late Tang dynasty , which impacted and affected the psyche of the intellectuals and scholars greatly .