
péng you
  • friend;buddy;sport;mate;comrade;amigo;girl friend;chum;boy friend;butty;aides and staff
朋友 [péng yǒu]
  • (1) [friend]∶除情人或亲属之外彼此有交情的人

  • 朋友之交,至于劝善规过足矣。--清. 刘开《孟涂文集》

  • (2) [boy friend ;girl friend]∶恋爱的对象

  • 谈朋友

  • (3) [aides and staff]∶指幕友

  • 我那里左右要请朋友,你就可以拣一个合式的事情,代我办办。--《二刻拍案惊奇》

朋友[péng you]
  1. 朋友的去世使她感到十分悲伤。

    She had been desolated by the death of her friend .

  2. 我最要好的一个朋友待我亲如姐妹。

    My best friend has been like a sister to me .

  3. 我通过朋友的朋友听到这事的。

    I heard about it through a friend of a friend .

  4. 家人和朋友给了她许多帮助。

    Her family and friends have given her lots of support .

  5. 他的朋友们回家后,他感到兴味索然。

    He felt very flat after his friends had gone home .

  6. 西蒙感到难以和其他孩子交朋友。

    Simon finds it hard to make friends with other children .

  7. 朋友之间互相恭维一下有什么不妥?

    What 's wrong with a bit of smoodge between friends ?

  8. 这一对朋友无话不谈——彼此之间毫无秘密。

    The two friends shared everything ─ they had no secrets .

  9. 不过我们仍然是朋友,这令人感到欣慰。

    We are still friends , though , which is good .

  10. 他的一些朋友是那种放荡不羁又怪里怪气的人。

    Some of his friends are pretty wild and wacky characters .

  11. 20多年来我们既是朋友又是同事。

    We were friends and colleagues for more than 20 years .

  12. 朋友们称他巴特,这名字就叫开了。

    His friends called him Bart and the name has stuck .

  13. 经过有影响力的朋友们斡旋她才得以释放。

    Only the intervention of powerful friends obtained her release .

  14. 她向她最要好的朋友倾吐了自己所有的秘密。

    She confided all her secrets to her best friend .

  15. 从任何意义上来说他都是位真正的朋友。

    He was a true friend in all senses of the word .

  16. 他们从孩提时起就是最要好的朋友。

    They 've been best friends since they were children .

  17. 好了,现在你的周围都是朋友了。

    It 's OK , you 're among friends now .

  18. 好像她的朋友全都成双结对了。

    It seemed that all her friends were pairing off .

  19. 他们干了一杯,交成朋友。

    They drank a glass of wine to seal their new friendship .

  20. 她工作单位的朋友来医院看望她。

    Her friends from work came to see her in the hospital .

  21. 我在日本的朋友邀请我随时去看他。

    I have an open invitation to visit my friend in Japan .

  22. 我从朋友那里花10英镑买来的。

    I bought it from a friend for £ 10 .

  23. “我们仅仅是好朋友而已。”她冷冷地说道。

    ' We 're just good friends , ' she said coolly .

  24. 偷到你的朋友头上了?你怎么能堕落到这种地步呢?

    Stealing from your friends ? How could you sink so low ?

  25. 他和最要好的朋友的妻子走了。

    He went off with his best friend 's wife .

  26. 问题是,我母亲不能接受我男朋友。

    The problem is , my mother can 't stick my boyfriend .

  27. 我能不能在朋友家过夜?

    Can I sleep over at my friend 's house ?

  28. 我们在彼此都认识的朋友家中会面。

    We met at the home of a mutual friend .

  29. 我在父母和朋友之间左右为难。

    I was torn between my parents and my friend .

  30. 她的文章对她以前的朋友毫不宽容。

    Her article showed no charity towards her former friends .