
  • 网络Best Editing;film editing;Best Film Editing;EDITING
  1. 反对:尽管该片被洛杉矶影评人协会评为最佳剪辑奖,但却没有受到纽约影评人的重视。

    Against : Although it picked up a best editing prize from the LA Film Critics Association , it was ignored by their New York counterparts .

  2. 影片于1月在圣丹斯电影节首映,赢得了最佳导演和最佳剪辑两项国际纪录片大奖,9月将在全美公映,今年夏天将有配合凯夫北美巡演的试映。

    The film had its premiere at Sundance in January ( it won the world documentary awards for best directing and best editing ) and will be released nationally in September , following preview screenings this summer that coincide with Cave 's North American tour .

  3. 《疯狂的麦克斯4:狂暴之路》由乔治·米勒(GeorgeMiller)执导,获得10项提名,仅次于《荒野猎人》。但它所获得的支持大部分来自技术领域,诸如最佳剪辑奖、服装设计奖及化妆和发型设计奖。

    With 10 nominations , " Fury Road , " directed by George Miller , was the second-most-honored film , but most of its support came from technical areas , like film editing , costume design and makeup and hairstyling .

  4. 这其中有一个奖项格外能说明问题,最佳剪辑奖提名由《美国狙击手》、《少年时代》、《布达佩斯大饭店》、《模仿游戏》和《爆裂鼓手》分获。

    In one telltale category among those , film editing nominations went to " American Sniper " ; " Boyhood " ; " The Grand Budapest Hotel " ; " The Imitation Game " ;

  5. 西北偏北获得了三项奥斯卡提名,分别是最佳电影剪辑、最佳艺术指导、原创剧本。

    North by Northwest was nominated for three Academy Awards for Film Editing , Art Direction , and Original Screenplay .

  6. 电影获得了较高的票房,并获得了众多的奖项,获得了奥斯卡原创剧本、最佳电影剪辑的提名。

    The film was successful at the box office and received numerous accolades , including Academy Award nominations for Original Screenplay and Film Editing .

  7. 这一决定是由奥斯卡金像奖的主办单位——美国电影艺术与科学学院做出的,该学院还对评奖流程做了几个其他改动,其中包括将最佳音效剪辑和最佳音响效果合为一个奖。

    The decision came from the board for the group that presides over the Academy Awards , the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences , also made several other changes to the awards process , among them the consolidation of sound editing and sound mixing into one " sound " category .

  8. 马克:是的,剪辑和音响(注:最佳音响,最佳音效剪辑)。你看了最佳影片吗?

    Mark : Yeah , editing and sound . Did you see the movie that won Best Picture ?

  9. 但没人想知道谁赢了最佳音响效果、最佳音效剪辑、最佳服装设计,最佳视觉效果这些,或者其他任何包含“短”这个要害词的奖项。

    Nobody cares about best sound mixing , best sound editing , best costume design , best visual effects , or any award with the word " short " in it .

  10. 艾尔伯特认为它是这一年最伟大的电影作品。这部影片获得了7项奥斯卡提名,并获得了三项大奖,分别是最佳电影、最佳编剧以及最佳剪辑奖。

    Ebert chose it as his best film of the year . The film was nominated for seven Academy Awards and won three , for Best Picture , Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Achievement in Editing .

  11. 电影获得了两项奥斯卡大奖-最佳视觉效果奖,以及最佳声效剪辑奖。

    The film won two Academy Awards - Best Visual Effects and Best Sound Editing .

  12. 电影获得了两项大奖:最佳配角奖给予希斯·莱杰,以及最佳声效剪辑奖。

    It won two awards : Best Supporting Actor for Heath Ledger and Best Sound Editing .

  13. 玩具总动员3获得了五项奥斯卡提名,包括最佳电影、对家改编剧本奖、最佳声效剪辑奖等。

    Toy Story 3 was nominated for five Academy Awards , including Best Picture , Best Adapted Screenplay , and Best Sound Editing .

  14. 此外,该电影还摘得了“最佳导演奖”、“最佳剧本奖”和“最佳电影剪辑奖”等各大奖项。

    The film also took trophies for Best Director , Best Screenplay , and Best Film Editing .

  15. 史蒂文斯获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖,电影同时还获最佳改编剧本,最佳摄影,最佳剪辑,最佳配乐,最佳服装设计等多项奖项。

    Stevens rightly won an Oscar for Best Direction and Oscars also went to Best Screenplay , Best Cinematography , Best Editing , Best Musical Score , and Best Costume Design .

  16. 1982年,夺宝奇兵获得了八项奥斯卡提名,包括最佳电影奖的提名,并赢得了四项大奖,包括最佳艺术指导、最佳电影剪辑、最佳声效、最佳视觉效果。

    It was nominated for eight Academy Awards in 1982 , including Best Picture , and won four ( Best ArtDirection , Best Film Editing , Best Sound , Best Visual Effects ) .

  17. 奥斯卡最佳改编剧本奖颁给了《社交网络》的编剧艾伦·索金,该片还获得最佳配乐和最佳电影剪辑奖。

    The Oscar for best adapted screenplay went to Aaron Sorkin for " The Social Network ," which also won awards for its musical score and film editing .

  18. 电影获得了奥斯卡最佳影片奖、最佳导演奖、最佳男演员奖、最佳编剧奖。最佳视觉效果奖以及最佳电影剪辑奖。它还获得了十几项其他奖项。

    It won the Academy Awards for Best Picture , Best Director , Best Actor , Best Adapted Screenplay , Best Visual Effects and Best Film Editing.It also scooped dozens more awards .