
  • 网络Longgupo Site
  1. 中国新第三纪中-小型猿类化石及其意义巫山龙骨坡似人下颌属于猿类

    Middle small bodied apes from Neogene in China and their significanc

  2. 多年来,对于亚洲发现的直立人化石,我都利用龙骨坡的材料倡导这种“前直立人”起源说。

    For many years , I used Longgupo to promote this pre-erectus origin for H.erectus finds in Asia .

  3. 尽管我不再将龙骨坡的下颌当做人类,两件石器却仍像先前描述的那样不可动摇。

    Although I no longer consider the Longgupo jaw to be human , the two stone tools still stand as described .

  4. 1992年,我的同事们和我应邀到龙骨坡提供精确的断代,并帮助解释其在古人类学上的性质。

    In1992 , colleagues and I were invited to Longgupo to provide a reliable age determination and to help understand the palaeoanthropology .

  5. 么会洞之中的神秘牙齿一定属于某种未知的猿类,龙骨坡的、以及类似洞穴之中发现的似人牙齿也是如此。

    The Mohui mystery teeth surely belonged to an unknown ape , as did Longgupo , and other human-like teeth often identified from similar cave fossils .

  6. 但我现在确信:龙骨坡化石,以及其他与之类似的化石所代表的并不是某种“前直立人”,而是一种或多种、源自于东南亚更新世灵长类系统树的神秘猿类。

    But I am now convinced that the Longgupo fossil and others like it do not represent a pre-erectus human , but rather one or more mystery apes indigenous to southeast Asia 's Pleistocene primal forest .