
  1. 亚大雅,比拉雅,申拉都是示每的儿子。

    And adaiah and beraiah and shimrath , the sons of shimei ;

  2. 以拉都在哥林多住下了。特罗非摩病了,我就留他在米利都。

    Erastus abode at Corinth : but Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick .

  3. 如果被定罪,他和朗尼拉都将面临40年的有期徒刑。

    He and Lonina each face up to 40 years in prison , if convicted .

  4. 如果是应该推一把,再拉都没有用。

    Never really works to pull when all you really needed was some good pushing .

  5. ‘哈里顿约瑟夫,齐拉都不在屋,’他平静地说,‘所以只有我们自己。’

    ' Hareton , Joseph and Zillah are all out of the house ,' he said calmly ,' so we are quite alone . '

  6. 于是从帮助他的人中,打发提摩太,以拉都二人,往马其顿去。自己暂时等在亚细亚。

    So he sent into Macedonia two of them that ministered unto him , Timotheus and Erastus ; but he himself stayed in Asia for a season .

  7. 防屈曲耗能支撑是在普通支撑外围设置约束套管,抑制其受压时的屈曲而不限制自由伸缩,实现无论受压还是受拉都表现为全截面屈服。

    The buckling-restrained brace can prevent the compression buckling by encasing ordinary brace over its length in a steel tube filled with concrete , but without limiting the freedom of flexibility . Actually it can reach and retain full section yielding under compression and tension .

  8. 东、西马拉半岛都是以沿海平原上接到草木丛生的丘陵和大山为特色,最高的山是位于婆罗洲岛的海拔4095.2米的京那Q山(GunungKinabalu)又Q神山。

    Both West and East Malaysia feature coastal plains rising to often densely forested hills and mountains , the highest of which is Mount Kinabalu at4,095.2 m on the island of Borneo .

  9. 因为宝芬妮和查尔斯整个拉德里都关了

    The entire place went on lockdown because of Bethany and Charles .

  10. 你觉得随便拉个人都能跑马拉松?

    Do they think just anyone can run a marathon ?

  11. 明天拉德里都会很热闹

    Radley will be a scene tomorrow .

  12. 不存在一个对于抗压强度和劈拉强度都是最佳的掺和料组合。

    No optimum combination of blending materials existed for both compressive and split tensile strengths .

  13. 他现在拉的都比那个重。

    He craps more than that now .

  14. 她连拉拉链都嫌烦

    She can 't work a zipper .

  15. 并且大体上,所有去教堂的拉美人都视自己为美国天主教的复兴力量。

    And in general all churchgoing Latinos tend to see themselves as renewing Christianity in America .

  16. 穆萨维和前议长毛拉迈赫迪·卡鲁比都被认为是改革主义者。

    The former prime minister along with former parliament speaker Mehdi Karroubi are both seen as .

  17. 回到庙里,各拉章都在忙着陈列供品和明天有访客来的摆设。

    After back to the monastery , most people were busy setting up offerings and decoration for Losar .

  18. 他唱歌拉小提琴都很棒,但调子有点悲伤,就是人有点不太聪明。

    He sings , plays on the violin wonderfully , composes , is mad , and not very sensible .

  19. 主题是查尔斯而且不论有没有梦娜要闯入拉德里都不容易

    The subject is Charles , and it 's not gonna be easy breaking into Radley with or without Mona .

  20. 可以查到的几座三塔双主跨或多塔多主跨铁路斜拉桥都是部分斜拉桥,索塔只起到加劲作用,而且跨度都不大。

    Several retrievable railway cable-stayed bridges with three towers and double main spans or multiple towers and multiple main spans are part cable-stayed bridges in which towers only have stiffening effect and spans are not large .

  21. 进入21世纪以来,我国桥梁的建设进入了飞速发展的时期,悬索桥和斜拉桥都不断刷新新的跨径记录。

    Since the beginning of the 21st century , the construction of bridges in China has entered an era of rapid developments that the spans of cable-stayed bridges and suspension bridges have both rewritten the span records .

  22. 拿破仑的将军们&达乌、内伊和缪拉,都离火线很近,甚至有时亲临火线,他们好几次率领一大批严整的队伍到火线上去。

    NAPOLEON 'S GENERALS , Davoust , Ney , and Murat , who were close to that region of fire , and sometimes even rode into it , several times led immense masses of orderly troops into that region .

  23. 由于斜拉索的防护技术不尽完善,在运营若干年后,不可避免地会出现斜拉索腐蚀问题,国内外很多斜拉桥都已经或者即将面临换索的问题。

    Owing to the imperfect cable protection technology , cable corrosion is unavoidable after the bridge served a few years . a great number of cable-stayed bridges home and aboard has faced or will face the similar problems , such as cable changing and cable tension adjusting .

  24. 国大党毫无顾忌的利用甘地家族这一品牌造势,在几乎所有宣传海报上,索尼娅和她的儿子拉胡尔都与总理曼莫汉辛格(MAnmohanSingh)并肩出现。

    The Congress party shamelessly campaigns on the family brand , with her and son Rahul alongside Manmohan Singh , the prime minister , on almost all its posters .

  25. 存贷差和外汇占款以及M2与M1差额的不断拉大等都不是流动性过剩的直接成因,而是由于货币政策没有及时对经济发展出现的变化作出反应造成的。

    Rather than difference between deposits and loans , occupying foreign exchange , or increasing gap between M2 and M1 , it is the direct source for Chinese liquidity surplus that monetary policy did not react in time to the changing economic situations .

  26. 以斯拉这些展览品都是你家族的

    Ezra . All of this stuff belongs to your family ?

  27. 小时候,拉胡尔都是冬天留在印度孟买,夏天到美国的曼哈顿度过。

    Rahul Akerkar grew up spending winters in Mumbai and summers in Manhattan .

  28. 以斯拉说这都是您父母的

    Ezra said that they belonged to your mom and dad . That 's right .

  29. 我就知道是你带条狗来拉得满处都是

    I knew it was you bringing your dog in here , shitting all over the place .

  30. 然而,华丽的服装和马库拉的谆谆教导都无法阻止闲不住的沃兹槁些恶作剧。

    The fancy clothes and Markkula 's injunctions could not , however , stop the irrepressible Wozniak from playing some practical jokes .