
zhènɡ xiānɡ hù zuò yònɡ
  • positive interaction
  1. 由此可见,本研究不支持胁迫梯度假说,即植物相互作用未沿着胁迫梯度由竞争转向正相互作用。

    Hence , this study did not support Stress Gradient Hypothesis ( SGH ), namely plant-plant interaction did not change from competition to positive interaction along stress gradients .

  2. 而且,胁迫梯度假说(SGH)也预测了促进作用与竞争作用沿着环境梯度的相互变化,这也刺激了大量关于正相互作用的研究。

    Moreover , the ' stress-gradient hypothesis '( SGH ) predicting the shifts between facilitation and competition along environment gradients has stimulated the bulk of studies about facilitation .

  3. 种间正相互作用机理及其对物种特性差异响应的模拟与实验研究

    The Simulation and Experiment Study of Facilitation Mechanism and Its Response to the Discrepancies of Species Traits

  4. 然而很少有研究者尝试检验正相互作用对群落物种组成时间变化的影响。

    However , few studies have attempted to test the effect of facilitation on temporal compositional changes .

  5. 同时,已有研究证明,正相互作用和竞争的相互影响共同决定了群落的结构。

    Meanwhile , it has been demonstrated that the interplay between negative and positive interactions simultaneously shapes community structures .

  6. 我们还发现间接正相互作用与物种生存的平均海拔呈正相关。

    We also found relationship between the intensity of indirect facilitation and the mean elevation range of the target species .

  7. 由于不同微生物之间的正相互作用,人们发现应用两种或两种以上微生物混合发酵能更好地解决实践中的许多问题。

    Owing to the positive interactions between different microorganisms , mixed fermentation has been found more and more effective in practice .

  8. 植物间的正相互作用是当前理论生态学研究的一个热点问题,而其中的间接正相互作用又是正相互作用研究中的重点。

    Facilitation is one of the hot issues in theoretical ecology . And the research of facilitation focuses on indirect facilitation .

  9. 这种不同物种受到不同间接正相互作用影响的差异性,可能在植物群落构建方面发挥重要作用,对恢复退化草场和保护生态系统具有指导意义。

    These difference effects in different species may play an important role in plant community construction , and may have contributed to restoration of ecosystems .

  10. 正相互作用对非生物胁迫具有明显的抵消效应,因此在密度依赖死亡过程中趋向于维持空间格局的聚集程度。

    Facilitation played a clear role in counteracting the effect of stress , thus tended to maintain the degree of clustering of the pattern during density-dependent mortality .

  11. 在双层模型中胁迫和正相互作用对密度依赖死亡动态的影响与单层模型中当竞争非完全对称时的情况相同。

    In the two-layer model , both stress and facilitation affected mortality dynamics in the same way as in the one-layer version when competition was not completely symmetric .

  12. 当前有关间接正相互作用的研究表明,间接正相互作用在多种生态系统的群落中普遍存在,其对于种群动态和群落构建有着重要作用。

    The research of indirect facilitation indicates that this effect is ubiquitous among different ecosystem . In addition , indirect facilitation plays an important role in population dynamics and community construction .

  13. 通过在单层模型中设置不同的竞争大小对称性、正相互作用和胁迫水平等模拟条件检验了最近发表的用相似模型所得到结果的可靠性。

    The one-layer model was used with different settings of competitive size-symmetry , facilitation and stress to test the robustness of the conclusions of a recent publication using a similar model .

  14. 然而与单层模型的结果不同的是双层模型预测胁迫使自疏线显著地变平,而正相互作用抵消了胁迫效应从而使自疏线变陡。

    Different from the one-layer model results , the two-layer model predicted that high stress dramatically flattened self-thinning lines , whereas facilitation again counteracted the stress , thus steepened thinning lines .

  15. 在这一假设下,通货膨胀和价格分散之间存在正的相互作用。

    Under this assumption , there is the positive mutual function bteween inflation and price dispersion .

  16. TPR和XPS分析结果证明了锰氧化物和载体γ-Al2O3之间有强的相互作用,正是这种相互作用在反应中起到了正效应。二。

    TPR and XPS analyses suggest that a strong interaction between manganese oxide and the γ - Al2O3 support plays a positive role in the hydrogenation reaction .

  17. 正是这种相互作用,引发了一系列的连锁反应,久而久之就造成了语言系统内部的调整变化和新的语言现象的形成。

    It is the very kind of interaction that triggers a serious of chain reactions and causes adjustments and changes within the language system and formation of new linguistic phenomenon over time .

  18. 双通道心理账户,,理论探讨了支付的负效用和消费的正效用的相互作用。

    Different habit formations have different effects on consumers ' purchase decisions . " Double-entry " Mental Accounting theory discusses the interaction between the negative utility of payment and the positive utility of consumption .

  19. 法律与利益有着天然的联系,法律正是在利益相互作用的关系中产生的。

    The link between law and the interests is natural , and the law is in this context generated .

  20. 宇宙的形成及演变是正、负能量相互作用的结果。

    The formation and evolution of the universe is the result of the interaction of the positive energy and the negative energy .

  21. 指出在胶束电动毛细管色谱中,除了分配这样一种组分与胶束的快速相互作用过程外,还存在着慢速相互作用过程,正是这种慢速相互作用导致了双峰现象的出现。

    The study showed that slow interaction process besides partition exists in micellar electrokinetic capillary electrophoresis and it is the slow interaction process that leads to the appearance of two peak phenomena .

  22. 当一个物种通过抑制与目标物种共有的竞争者而对目标物种产生的间接正作用大于其对目标物种的直接竞争作用时,就会出现间接正相互作用。

    When one species suppress a shared competitor , then the species imposes a kind of indirect positive effect on the target species , and if the indirect positive effect is stronger than the direct competitive effect , the indirect facilitation will occur .