
  • 网络Fresnel integral
  1. 复宗量菲涅耳积分的计算及其性质

    Numerical computations and characteristics of complex argument Fresnel integral

  2. 本文给出一种快速高精度的计算菲涅耳积分的方法。

    In this paper we give a fast and accurate method for the integration of Fresnel Integral .

  3. 从复数波数定义和广义惠更斯-菲涅耳积分出发,推导出厄米-高斯(HG)光束在介质中通过傍轴ABCD光学系统后的一般传输公式。

    Based on the definition of complex wave number and the generalized Huygens-Fresnel diffraction integral , the closed-form propagation equation of Hermite-Gaussian ( HG ) beams passing through a paraxial optical ABCD system without aperture , in which the linear gain and absorption media are included , is derived .

  4. 菲涅耳积分研究及其快速精确计算

    The Research On Fresnel Integral and Its Fast and Accurate Computation

  5. 菲涅耳积分计算公式及其应用

    The Calculating Formulas of the Fresnel Integral and Its Application

  6. 由于菲涅耳积分在工程上的频繁使用,要求我们寻找一个有效的对菲涅耳积分进行积分的方法。

    The frequent use of Fresnel Integral forces us to find an efficient method for its integration .

  7. u>u1时菲涅耳积分的三角函数表达式;

    The expressions used in trigonometric function when u > u_1 ( 3 ) the determination of the optimal demarcating point u_1 ;

  8. 在衍射理论基础上详细推导了三种再现算法(菲涅耳积分变换法、卷积法、傅立叶变换法)的数学表示。

    Mathematical representations for three kinds of reconstruction algorithms ( Fresnel integral , convolution and Fourier transform ) of digital hologram are deduced based on the diffraction theory .

  9. 基于惠更斯-菲涅耳衍射积分公式,研究了宽带光束在菲涅耳衍射区的自由空间传输特性,得到宽带光束传输的调制深度与光束带宽Δλ及菲涅耳数F的变化关系。

    The free space propagation property of broadband laser beam in Fresnel diffraction area is studied based on Huygens-Fresnel diffraction integral . The relationship between modulation depth , bandwidth Δλ and Fresnel number is obtained .

  10. 使用广义惠更斯-菲涅耳衍射积分和增广矩阵,研究了Bessel-Gaussian光束通过失调一阶ABCD系统的传输特性。

    Propagation properties of high-order Bessel-Gaussian beam through a misaligned first-order ABCD system have been studied by using the generalized Huygens-Fresnel diffraction integral , augmented matrix .

  11. 菲涅耳衍射积分与缓变振幅近似对高斯光束的等效性

    Equivalency of Fresnel Diffraction Integral and Slowly Varying Amplitude Approximation for Gaussian Beam

  12. 针对高斯分解方法和菲涅耳衍射积分方法的使用场合,也进行了讨论。

    The situations that are suitable to be applied for Gaussian decomposition method and Fresnel intergral method are discussed .

  13. 论文中,我们基于惠更斯-菲涅耳衍射积分理论研究了由轴棱锥产生的贝塞尔光束的传输特性,并且通过几何光学解析无衍射光束的聚焦特性。

    Based on Huygens-Fresnel diffraction integral theory , the propagation properties of Bessel beam were studied in this paper .

  14. 本文从菲涅耳衍射积分公式出发研究了激光器非稳腔输出环状光束在空间的传输规律。

    The spatial propagation properties of output annular laser beam from an unstable resonator are studied based on Fresnel diffraction integral .

  15. 利用广义惠更斯-菲涅耳衍射积分公式,研究了平顶多高斯光束通过球差透镜的聚焦特性。

    The Focusing property of flat-topped multi-Gaussian laser beam by lens with spherical aberration is discussed . on the basis of generalized Huygens-Fresnel Diffraction integral formula .

  16. 从菲涅耳衍射积分公式出发,推导多色高斯光束被球差透镜衍射后光强分布的解析公式,进行数值模拟和物理分析。

    Staring from Fresnel diffraction integral , we deduced the optical intensity distribution in the Fresnel zone of the diffraction field of the annular-aperture lens axicon .

  17. 本文利用菲涅耳衍射积分公式,计算了大曲率半径球形光学列阵的成象特性,获得了成象公式及其成立的条件。

    By using Fresnel diffraction , we get the imaging and pseudo-phase-conjugation properties of the optical array with large radius of curvature which is composed by many optical elements .

  18. 对轴棱锥产生的贝塞尔光聚焦特性的描述,我们提出一种有别于惠更斯-菲涅耳衍射积分理论的解析表达。

    For the description of the focusing properties of a Bessel beam generated by an axicon , we first deduce a type of analytic expression other than Huygens-Fresnel diffraction integral theory .

  19. 基于菲涅耳衍射积分公式,推导出了会聚球面波通过环形光阑后场分布的解析公式,并讨论了一些特殊情况。

    Based on the Fresnel diffraction integral , the analytical expression for the field distribution of converging spherical waves passing through an annular aperture is derived and some special cases are discussed .

  20. 利用离散菲涅耳衍射积分方法完成数字全息图的数字重构。

    The record and reconstruction of Fresnel holograms have been simulated by MATLAB software based on Fresnel diffraction integral and digital reconstructions of digital holograms are accomplished by discrete Fresnel diffraction integral .

  21. 利用菲涅耳衍射积分的数值算法,分别实现了基元全息图和菲涅耳全息图的计算机生成和数字重现.本文还研究三维物体的计算全息图。

    And also , through the numerical algorithm of Fresnel diffraction , we have realized the computer generation and numerical reconstruction of point hologram and Fresnel hologram . In the second part , the computer-generated hologram of three-dimensional object has also been researched .

  22. 菲涅耳圆孔衍射的积分理论

    Integral Theory of Fresnel Circular Aperture Diffraction

  23. 本文研究菲涅耳(Fresnel)衍射积分的两种计算机模拟算法,分别用卷积算法和傅里叶变换算法实现菲涅耳积分,阐述了两种算法的优点和缺点。

    This paper researches on two kinds of computer simulated algorithm of fresnel diffraction , realizes fresnel integral by using convolution algorithm and fourier transform algorithm , describes the advantages and disadvantages of these two algorithms .