
  1. 宣夜说打破了天的边界,为我们展示了一个无边无际的宇宙空间。

    The theory broke the boundary ofheaven , exhibiting a boundless universe .

  2. 所以就又产生了一种新的理论“宣夜说”。

    hence giving rise to the new theory of expounding appearance in the night sky .

  3. 张载对天体宇宙结构以及天体演化理论的研究,主要表现在对宣夜浑天合一说的创造性阐释与发挥上。

    His studies in the structure of the universe and in cosmogony can be seen chiefly in his creative expounding of the theory of the rounded heaven with the great void .

  4. 宣夜说传说战国时期,杞国有一个人听说天是由气体形成的,日月星辰就漂浮其中之后,他非常担心天体会掉下来,让他无处躲藏,于是整日忧心忡忡,茶饭不思。

    As a legend goes , during the Warring States Period , a man from the Qi State , having known that the heaven was constituted of gas , in which the moon and stars floated , feared the heaven might collapse one day .

  5. 公元3到6世纪是中国天文学快速发展的时代。在这段时期内,涌现了许多讨论天地结构的学说,其中最重要的是盖天说、浑天说和宣夜说。

    The period between the 3rd and 6th centuries witnessed enormous develop-ment in China 's astronomy , with the rise of many theories on the cosmic structure.The most important of these were the theory of canopy-heavens , the theonrt of sphere heavens , and the theory of expounding appearance in the night sky . The Theory of Canopy-Heavens