
xuān chuán biāo yǔ
  • propaganda slogan
  1. 在1840年,OK成为美国总统马丁·范布伦竞选连任的宣传标语,虽然范布伦最后失败了。

    By 1840 , it served as a slogan for President Martin Van Buren 's unsuccessful reelection campaign .

  2. BigSkyBrewing酿造公司表示,其从2004年开始便使用“拿住我的啤酒,看这个!”的宣传标语。

    Big Sky Brewing says since 2004 it 's used the slogan " Hold my beer and watch this . "

  3. 尽管许多此类要求很直接——例如,消除YouTube或Twitter上的圣战宣传标语——但仍有人担心,此类压力可能延展至要求科技公司调整算法,以便向容易受影响的用户屏蔽某些类型的内容。

    While many such requests are straightforward - removing jihadist propaganda from YouTube or Twitter , for example - there are concerns that such pressure might extend to modifying their algorithms in order to hide certain types of content from easily susceptible users .

  4. 耐克公司对某些特定的产品所使用的宣传标语是Ican。

    Nike started advertising certain products with the more positive slogan @ I can @ .

  5. 中国撤掉了宣传标语。

    The Chinese took down the signs .

  6. 虽然宣传标语看似只有寥寥几个字,但它却反映了一定的社会理想、政治主张和奋斗目标。

    Although the campaign slogan seems only simple words , but it can reflect social ideals , political ideas and goals .

  7. “推进城乡一体化发展”&这是位于北京市朝阳区的东坝乡人民政府办公楼外的一条宣传标语;

    " PROMOTE the unity of city and countryside ", reads the banner outside Dongba township 's government headquarters in north-eastern Beijing .

  8. 蒙大拿州的一家手工啤酒公司起诉世界最大的啤酒制造商安海斯-布希公司,称该公司偷窃了它的宣传标语。

    A craft brewer in Montana has filed suit against the world 's largest beer-maker Anheuser-Busch alleging the company stole its catch phrase .

  9. 危机之下只能孤注一掷。去年北京京剧团为他们的巡演在大学中做了两则宣传标语。

    Desperate times require desperate measures : The Beijing Opera Studio last year advertised a series of performances in universities with two slogans .

  10. 参加这场纪念丽贝卡·西德维克45分钟追悼会的人们都身着霓虹绿色T恤,手拿反欺凌的宣传标语。

    A number of those who turned out for a 45-minute memorial service for Rebecca Sedwick were wearing neon green T-shirts with anti-bullying slogans .

  11. 通过分析革命和建设时期宣传标语的使用情况,可以为今后该方式的科学使用提供借鉴意义,在创新的基础上加以继承。

    By analyzing the tagline of the revolution and construction use , can provide a reference for future use of the scientific method , to be inherited on the basis of innovation .

  12. 当宣传标语所宣扬的思想符合接受者心理需要时,就会同接受者产生心理共鸣,从而将教育内容内化为自身道德修养,外化为行为习惯。

    When thinking tagline propaganda meets the psychological needs of the recipient , the recipient will have the same psychological resonance , so that the educational content into morality , into outer behavior .

  13. 随着新媒体的出现和广泛使用,宣传标语已不再是简单的墙体、石刻、条幅标语,而是更加注重环保性、科学性、人文性。

    With the emergence of new media and widely used , is no longer a simple tagline walls , stone and banners , but pay more attention to environmental protection , science and humanities .

  14. 凡是对德育教育有影响的因素都加以讨论,包括德育资金、校园宣传标语、礼仪教育、劳动教育等不太受人关注的因素。

    All of the factors that affect the moral education are discussed , including the moral capital , campus publicity posters , etiquette education , labor education , the factors that do not concern .

  15. 宣传标语是一种简短醒目、通俗易懂,富有纲领性、鼓动性、号召性的一种粘贴或悬挂在户外的,易于让人民群众接受的言语行为。

    Campaign slogan is a short eye-catching , easy to understand , rich programmatic , call to action , which stuck and hanged in the outdoors , easy to let the people to accept the sentence .

  16. 当被问及信威办公室中四处可见的有关政府和党的标语时,这位40岁的中国商人表示,他用中共誓词以及公司大楼内展示的其他宣传标语来激励、鼓舞员工。

    Asked about the omnipresent references to state and party at the Xinwei offices , the 40-year-old Chinese businessman says he uses the party oath and other propaganda displayed on the company premises to motivate and inspire his staff .

  17. 但这个阶段上,广西乡镇政府强制行政行为仍占主导地位,表现在带强制倾向的宣传标语、强制性种植、强制性拆迁、强制性计划生育与强制性新农村建设。

    But this stage , Guangxi township government administrative behavior still dominant force , mainly show on , in the publicity posters with a mandatory orientation , mandatory planting , compulsory relocation , mandatory family planning and construction of new rural compulsory .

  18. 标语是一种大众宣传媒介,标语在人们的日常生活中起着举足轻重的作用,标语的内容及其品位体现了一个社会的文明程度。

    Slogans are a kind of modern media , which play an important role in people 's daily life .

  19. 此外,文字宣传,如写标语等,也尽力在做。他们尽全力宣传这首新歌。

    In addition , we do as much written propaganda as possible , for instance , painting slogans They try their best to plug the new song .

  20. 这位出生在奥地利的前健美运动员,后来成为好莱坞重量级电影明星,为了宣传新书在自己的官方网站贴出了视频和宣传标语:这个故事你知道。

    The Austrian-born former body-builder , who became one of Hollywood 's biggest movie stars , is promoting the book on his official website with a video and the tagline , This story you know .

  21. 这位出生在奥地利的前健美运动员,后来成为好莱坞重量级电影明星,为了宣传新书在自己的官方网站贴出了视频和宣传标语:“这个故事你知道。你准备好看到你不知道的故事了吗?”

    The Austrian-born former body-builder , who became one of Hollywood 's biggest movie stars , is promoting the book on his official website with a video and the tagline , " This story you know . Are you ready for the story you don 't ? "