
  • 网络Bulletin board;Billboards
  1. 你是否在为校长办公室门外的宣传栏在想一些特殊好玩的主意?

    Are you looking for a fun idea for a bulletin board outside the principal 's office ?

  2. 每月中文角的具体时间和学习主题会在本中心的宣传栏上公布。

    The specific time and subject of monthly Chinese Corner will be published on the bulletin board of the Center .

  3. 很有文化气息,有很多标语啊宣传栏啊。

    There has a very strong cultural atmosphere that really attracts me .

  4. 采用传统的黑板和宣传栏张贴的方式存在明显的不足。

    Using the traditional way of blackboard and billboards posted there has obviously deficiencies .

  5. 农村科普宣传栏传播效果研究&以山东省烟台市农村科普宣传栏为例

    Study on the Effects of Rural Popular Science Gallery & Take Shandong Yantai as an Example

  6. 而且我并不是那么急于看到自己的名字出现在电影宣传栏上。

    Besides , I do not feel the urge to see my name written in big letters on a billboard .

  7. 收教妇女主要从报纸杂志、电视、公共场所宣传栏、医疗机构、网络获取艾滋病相关知识。

    Female detainees received AIDS-related knowledge mainly from newspapers , magazines , television , public boards , medical institutions and internet .

  8. 五是充分利用县、乡、村三级计生宣传栏刊登艾滋病防治知识和无偿献血知识。

    Fifth , make full use of county , township and village levels IPPF AIDS advocacy column published knowledge and knowledge of non-remunerated blood donation .

  9. 中学生艾滋病相关知识主要来源于电视广播(70.5%)、宣传栏(54.3%)、报刊杂志(50.7%)等。

    Secondary school students acquired knowledge mainly from TV-broadcast ( 70.5 % ), health propaganda column ( 54.3 % ) and newspaper-magazine ( 50.7 % ) .

  10. 小学生控烟相关教育开展较好,大学校园内控烟宣传栏和组织控烟为主题的活动较少。

    The health education on smoking control in primary school was implemented effectively , while there were few anouneement boards and activities about smoking control in colleges .

  11. 结论通过专题教育、宣传栏、小册子等多种形式,在大学生中开展艾滋病/性病健康教育可起到良好的效果。

    Conclusion Through special education , advocacy column , pamphlets , and other means , students in conducting AIDS / STD health education can play a good result .

  12. 收教妇女获得艾滋病知识的主要途径是报纸杂志、电视、公共场所宣传栏、医疗机构、网络;最喜欢的健康教育方式为专家讲授。

    Female detainees learn AIDS-related knowledge mainly form newspapers and magazines , television , public board , medical institutions and internet . They like experts ' lecture mostly .

  13. 督查组在所到学校查看了校园宣传栏、图书馆、卫生教师讲课和相关资料,听取了有关情况介绍。

    Inspection teams in the school campus to see the propaganda field , a library , a health teacher lectures and related information , listen to a briefing about .

  14. 本站学校卫生科1993年~1995年连续监测三年。健康教育干预措施为讲课、广播、宣传栏及发放自编宣传册。

    The surveillance was conducted 3 years from 1993 to 1995 . Health education intervention measures , including lecture , broadcast , propaganda board and propaganda materials , were used .

  15. 你每个月都更换图画和文字,你还可以把宣传栏上的内容剪贴下来,给来访的参加者观看。

    As you replace the pictures and writing each month , put the ones you take down into a scrapbook that you can leave out to entertain visitors while they are waiting .

  16. 回归分析显示学校老师、医学书籍、家长教育、报刊杂志、卫生宣传栏是影响艾滋病知识得分的主要因素;

    The outcome of regression analysis showed that the route of teacher , medicine books , parents education , newspaper and magazine and health information propaganda column were the main influential factors of knowledge scores .

  17. 高等学校应将网络道德纳入大学生道德建设范畴,图书馆也应利用网站、宣传栏、讲座等手段,加大网络道德的研究及宣教力度。

    Higher education institution should take network morality into moral construction of undergraduates , and the library should also extend the research of network morality and forces of popularization by taking advantage of websites , posters and lectures .

  18. 建筑工人对艾滋病防治知识的需求类型主要是预防知识、疾病症状和国家政策等;艾滋病知识需求途径依次为电视、报纸杂志、宣传栏/板报和宣传品。

    The demand of AIDS knowledge by the workers can be categorized into prevention knowledge , disease symptom and national policy ; the means of obtaining AIDS knowledge are television , newspaper and magazine , bulletin and publicity materials .

  19. 结果:未婚流动人口性与生殖健康知识来源依次是书、报纸、杂志、电视、广播等大众媒体,学校性教育,板报、墙报、宣传栏与人交流性知识、社区、单位性教育。

    Results : The approaches to getting sex and reproductive information were as follows : books , newspapers , journals , televisions , radio broadcasts , schools and universities , posters and bulletin , educational propaganda , and so on .

  20. 位列信息提供方式取向前5位的分别是宣传栏为49.6%、导医手册为34.2%、导医人员为24.5%、电子为24.3%、互联网为15.5%。

    Methods of information providing to take top 5 is respectively announcement column 49 . 6 % , handbook 34 . 2 % , medical guide 24 . 5 % , electronic screen 24 . 3 % and internet 15 . 5 % .

  21. 发光涂料作为一种功能性涂料,可用于建筑物的墙体装饰,消防器材的指示标志,文化娱乐场所的宣传广告栏等。

    It 's a functional coatings used for wall decoration , indication and advertisement .

  22. 灯箱广告多用于户外,通过门头、布告(宣传)栏、立杆灯箱画的形式展示广告内容。

    Used for outdoor advertising light box , through the door first , the announcement ( publicity ) column , pole light box display advertisements in the form of painting .

  23. 流动人口在干预后获得艾滋病知识的主要途径为电视、免费宣传材料、宣传栏广告栏。

    TV , publicity materials , picture poster and column of advertisement were the main ways which the floating population got AIDS knowledge after intervention .