
xuān fèi
  • Ventilate the lung;promote the dispersing function of the lung
  1. 显著降低血浆P物质水平,试验组明显优于对照组单纯西药治疗,可能是疏风宣肺、通窍化痰中药的作用机制之一。

    A significant reduction in the substance P. The treatment group was significantly better than the control group , western medicine alone .

  2. 目的摸索高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定宣肺颗粒中岩白菜素含量的方法。

    Objective : To establish a content determination method of bergenin in Xuanfei granule by HPLC .

  3. HPLC法测定川贝止嗽合剂中甘草的含量清热化痰,宣肺止咳。用于治疗感冒后咳嗽、气管炎咳嗽。

    Determination of glycyrrhizinate in Chuanbei Zhisou Mixture by HPLC Clearing heat and transforming phlegm ; diffusing the lung and suppressing cough , due to colds and acute bronchitis .

  4. 清化宣肺汤治疗痰热郁肺型慢性支气管炎疗效观察清肺化痰汤合红霉素对COPD痰热阻肺证大鼠模型的疗效及机理探讨

    A Study on the Curative Effects and Mechanism of Qingfei Huatan Decoction Combined with Erythromycin in Rat Model of COPD with Syndrome of Retention of Phlegm-Heat in the Lung

  5. 结果显示,疏风宣肺法对CVA有明显的治疗作用,总有效率为96.7%,对照组总效率为66.7%两组总体疗效比较有显著差异(P<0.01)。

    It was shown that the effective rate was 96.67 % with the treatment , which is better than the group with the Western drug treatment ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 小儿宣肺止咳颗粒抗流感及CVB6病毒药效学的实验观察

    Experimental Observation of Pharmaceutic Effects of Children Xuan Fei Zhi Ke Granules on Influenza Virus and CVB_6 Strain

  7. 目的对宣肺平喘、温阳利水法治疗慢性肺源性心脏病(CPHD)急性加重期合并周围性水肿疗效进行评价,并观察其对抗利尿激素(ADH)的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of " dispersing lung-qi and relieving asthma , warming Yang to induce diuresis " method on CPHD patients during acute period with peripheral edema and observe the effect on ADH .

  8. 目的优选宣肺止咳合剂的提取工艺。

    Objective To optimize the extraction process of Xuanfei Zhike Mixture .

  9. 方用:自拟宣肺健脾汤。

    Prescription : the soup of lung and spleen health by myself .

  10. 调督宣肺法治疗中风失语症的临证体会

    Clinical Experience in Treating Apoplectic Aphasia by Regulating Governor Vessel and Releasing Lungs

  11. 宣肺利湿汤治疗泌尿系结石临床观察

    Clinical Observation of " Xuanfei Lishi Decoction " in Treating Urinary Tract Stone

  12. 宣肺通窍法治疗变应性鼻炎临床观察

    Clinical observation on allergic rhinitis treated with therapy of ventilating lung and relieving stuffy nose

  13. 加味宣肺透解剂治疗组与病毒感染模型组相比,无论是肺脏大体病变、组织病理学改变均有明显改善(P<0.05)。

    Compared with Model group , the pathological changes of JXT group were ameliorated obviously .

  14. 益气宣肺法合穴位贴敷治疗变应性鼻炎45例

    Qi - reinforcing and Freeing Lung Combined with Acupoint Application for 45 Cases of Allergic Rhinitis

  15. 提示宣肺固本法是治疗哮喘的有效方法。

    It is revealed that diffusing lungs and nourishing kidneys is an effective method for asthma .

  16. 目的:疏风宣肺汤系导师范伏元教授多年临床治疗慢性咳嗽之经验方,具有疏风宣肺、止咳化痰之功效。

    Objective : Shufengxuanfei Decoction is an effective proved recipe on treating chronic cough in clinical .

  17. 功效与主治:清热宣肺,化痰止咳。

    Treatment Functions : Anti-fever and soothing the lung , clear up the phlegm to stop coughing .

  18. 降浊宣肺法改善慢性肺心病甲襞微循环

    Therapy of Dropping Turbidity and Ventilating and Smoothing Lung Improving Nailfold Microcirculatory Disturbance of Chronic Cor Pulmonale

  19. 结论:宣肺定喘胶囊有较好平喘作用,并能改善患者肺功能。

    Conclusion : XDD has a better effect in depressing asthma , also can improve the lung function .

  20. 补肾宣肺方治疗肾阳虚咳嗽变异性哮喘临床研究

    Clinical Study of Cough Variant Asthma with Kidney Yang Deficiency Treated by Nourishing-kidney and Ventilating-lung Combined with Western Medicine

  21. 清热解毒中药与冠心病证治清宣肺热,止咳平喘法;

    Heat - clearing and Detoxicating and the Therapy of CHD removing heat from the lung and eliminating phlegm ;

  22. 乌体林斯联合宣肺汤预防支气管炎急性发作临床观察

    Clinical observation of the effet of Mycobacterium phlei combined with Xuan Fei Decoction in prevention of bronchitis acute attack

  23. 目的:将宣肺止咳合剂开发成中药制剂的三类新药。

    OBJECTIVE : To develop Xuanfei Zhike mixture ( XZM ) as third type new drug of Chinese herbs preparation .

  24. 宣肺逐瘀化痰法对低氧性肺动脉高压血管活性物质的影响

    The Effect of Ventilate Lung Remove Blood Stasis and Resolve phlegm Therapy on vasoactive substances in Hypoxic Pulmonary Hypertension Rats

  25. 清热化痰,宣肺止咳。用于治疗感冒后咳嗽、支气管炎咳嗽。

    Clearing heat and transforming phlegm ; diffusing the lung and suppressing cough , due to colds and acute bronchitis .

  26. 疏风宣肺法治疗咳嗽变异性哮喘的临床和实验研究

    The Clinical and Experimental Study on Cough Variant Asthma Treatment with Shu Feng Xuan Fei fa Theory off Traditional Chinese Medicine

  27. 目的观察祛风宣肺、清热止咳中药治疗小儿外感咳嗽的疗效。

    ObjectiveTo observe the therapeutic effect of expelling wind and ventilating the lung , clearing away heat and relieving cough for children cough .

  28. 清宣肺热,止咳平喘法;清热解毒利湿法治疗糖尿病足湿性坏疽

    Removing heat from the lung and eliminating phlegm ; Treatment of Diabetic Foot Moist Gangrene by Clearing Heat - toxicity and Eliminating Dampness Method

  29. 目的:观察宣肺泄热类中药配合燥湿化痰类中药治疗支气管肺炎的疗效。

    Objective : to observe the open the imhibited luny-energy and disperse heat united drying dampness to diminate phlegm drugs to treat bronchial pneumonia .

  30. 宣肺开窍法治疗急性非化脓性中耳炎疗效观察与机理探讨

    An investigation on the therapeutic effect and its mechanism of the method of percolating the Lung to opening the orifices on acute non - suppurative otitis media