
  1. 他们坐在凉亭里,边喝茶边聊天。

    They sat in the arbor and chatted over tea .

  2. 慕白和秀莲一起坐在凉亭里。

    Mubai and Xiulian are sitting together in a pavilion .

  3. 培尼狄克静静地坐在凉亭里看书。

    Benedick was quietly seated reading in an arbour .

  4. 他坐在凉亭里,休息一会儿。

    He sat in the bowerto have a rest .

  5. 在城镇的凉亭里呆呆的看着它。

    Gawk at it in the town gazebo .

  6. 凉亭里的英迪亚从座位上疲惫地站起身来,向怒气冲冲的斯图尔特走去。

    India rose tiredly from her seat beneath the arbor and went toward the angry Stuart tarleton .

  7. 那雨声沥沥的凉亭里的瞬间,当烟雾降落在通风的教堂里的瞬间,

    The moment in the arbour where the rain beat , The moment in the draughty church at smokefall

  8. 那是一个春天的早晨,我正独自在凉亭里阅读。渐渐地,我觉察到空气中弥漫着一股淡淡的香气。

    One beautiful spring morning when I was alone in the summer-house , reading , I became aware of a wonderful subtle fragrance in the air .

  9. 一只燕子像箭似地飞进凉亭里来,很快地掉转身,在死人的头上喃喃地叫了几声。

    A swallow flew with the swiftness of an arrow into the arbour , turning in its flight , and twittered over the dead man 's head .

  10. 她从楼梯拐角处的一个窗口看见那群男人坐在凉亭里端着高脚杯喝酒,知道他们是要一直坐到下午很晚时才散的。

    From the window on the landing , she could see the group of men sitting under the arbor , drinking from tall glasses , and she knew they would remain there until late afternoon .

  11. 巴伯说。他还指给爱潘妮看,从树尖的上面,看得见在那凉亭的顶楼屋子里,有亮光在移动。

    And he pointed out to Eponine , across the tops of the trees , a light which was wandering about in the mansard roof of the pavilion .