
liánɡ liánɡ
  • make cool
凉凉 [liáng liáng]
  • [be a bit cool] 微寒的样子

  • 日初出沧沧凉凉。--《列子.汤问》

  1. 这么热的天,你身上怎么还是凉凉的呢?

    How do you keep so cool in such hot weather ?

  2. 他要是被抓了,我们就都凉凉了。

    If he gets caught , we 'll all be done for .

  3. 本文主要介绍了凉凉隔热胶和HD控温漆具有的良好的隔热性能和较好的反幅射的性能,能有效地改善罐壁温升和传热。

    This paper briefly describes the excellent heat insulated property and the good anti radiation property for cooling heat insulated gum and HD temperture control paint that can solve the problem of temperture raise and heat transfer late on tank wall .

  4. DT-22凉凉隔热胶在轻质油、液化石油气和丙烯腈储罐上使用,在夏季可降温10℃左右,优于喷淋冷却水的降温效果。

    When DT-22 cold-cold heat insulation coating was applied on the light oil , LPG and cyanide tanks , the temperature was reduced by 10 oC in summer , which is better than cooling water spray in reducing temperature .

  5. 将水煮开几分钟,让其凉凉到50度。

    Boil drinking water for minutes , allow to cool to50 ℃ .

  6. 凉凉隔热胶的应用实例及经济效益分析

    Case study of Cold - cold Heat Insulation Coating and Economic Analysis

  7. 刷凉凉隔热胶取消油罐喷淋水

    Paint the Liang-liang insulation coating to abolish the spray water for oil tank

  8. 被我翻译成,凉凉的空气吹在脸上感觉很清新。

    The cool air on her face felt refreshing .

  9. 酸豆酸酸味郁郁,酸豆树荫凉凉情浓浓。

    Acid taste Tamarindus melancholy , deep feelings Tamarindus cool shade of a tree .

  10. 凉凉地,微弱地,如同暗淡的雪。

    Cold , delicately as the dark snow .

  11. 最后,就在三个月以前,一个凄凄凉凉、雾霭朦胧的早晨;

    At last , one dreary , foggy morning , just three months ago ;

  12. 我喜欢凉凉的微风、清净的空气,和这片绿意盎然的大地。

    I love the cooling breezes , the clear air , all the greenery .

  13. 可乐凉凉的,很好喝。

    Coke is nicely chilled and tastes good .

  14. 丝丝凉凉,让娇美的桂花早些退下了秋的舞台。

    Cecil cool , so charming the sweet-scented osmanthus in autumn withdrew earlier stage .

  15. 我那样做了,凉凉的棕色泡沫溅到了我的手上。

    Cool brown foam sprayed my hands .

  16. 放在网架上凉凉。

    Cool completely on wire rack .

  17. 据说凉凉的湿鼻子表示猫狗健康无病。

    People say that a cold wet nose is an indicator of health in dogs or cats .

  18. 我把脸贴在凉凉的黑色桌板上,试图让自己保持神志清醒。

    I put my cheekagainst the cool black tabletop and tried to hold on to my consciousness .

  19. 偶尔漂落的凉凉的雨,敲击在模糊的玻璃窗上。

    Occasionally drift down the cool of the rain , knocking on the windows in the vague .

  20. 凉凉隔热胶在油品储运厂的应用凉凉隔热胶在丙烯腈储罐降温中的应用

    Application of Liang Liang insulating glue for reducing the temperature of acrylonitrile storage tank and its stored media

  21. 更糟的是,从凉凉的海水中出来以后,他们不久便感到两条腿又热又沉甸甸的。

    The children 's feet , after the change from the cool water , felt hot and heavy .

  22. 当时,她为即将到来的冬天描绘出一幅凄凄凉凉的景象,可结果证明她错了。

    The picture which she had then drawn of the privations of the approaching winter , had proved erroneous ;

  23. 它凉凉的,并且中间弯曲了,但我知道我要留着这个纪念品。

    It was cold and bent in the middle , but I knew I needed to have this souvenir .

  24. 一个女人说当它听到一阵声响的同时,感到脚上凉凉的。

    CINCINNATI-A woman told Cincinnati police that she heard a noise and then felt something cold on her feet .

  25. 带水壶真的不错,减少垃圾与消费,而且水一直都凉凉的。

    It was nice to bring a canteen which could reduce rubbish and consumption and water had been always cool .

  26. 有豆大的雨点落下来,砸在皮肤上凉凉的疼。

    Soon came down the raindrops , as big as beans , dropping onto my skin , cool and painful .

  27. 我还让它们钻进我的鞋子里,凉凉的,没有夏季雷雨的那种粘稠的感觉。

    I also let them get into my shoes , cool , no summer thunderstorms that kind of viscous feeling .

  28. 他捡起一棵鹅卵石,当他感到凉凉的便将它仍入大海。

    He picked up one pebble , and , when it felt cold , he threw it into the sea .

  29. 泪打在手背上冰冰的、凉凉的,知道在想你吗?忽然她的嘴角边多出了一抹淡淡的笑。

    Tears hit in the back of the hand , Bingbing , fruit , and would like to know in your ?

  30. 凉凉隔热胶在石油储运设备上的应用

    Application of the Thermal Insulation Glue to Petroleum Strage and Transporation Apparatus THE APPLICATING OF LIANG-LIANG INSULATING COATING FOR OIL STORAGE PLANT